Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (2024)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (4)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 6, 2021 20:44:13 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon, Avery, and 1 more like this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 6, 2021 20:44:13 GMT 1

Hi everybody, I am proud to announce my new fed, PWU (Pro Wrestling Uprising) In this thread, I will be posting the roster and some info regarding the fed. In this thread will be shows and cards as well as any other info pieces I decide to post in here. It’ll be all in one thread like a diary. So here is the roster.

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (5)

Bobby Lashley
Kevin Steen (Formerly Kevin Owens)
Shelton Benjamin
Cedric Alexander
AJ Styles
Prince Devitt (Formerly Finn Balor)
Jon Moxley
Kenny Omega
Kip Sabian
Drew Galloway (Formerly Drew McIntyre)
Matt Jackson
Nick Jackson
Doc Gallows
Karl Anderson
Keith Lee
Shinsuke Nakamura
Claudio Castagnoli (Formerly Cesaro)
Jake Hager
Killer Kross
Stuart Bennett (General Manager)
Sha Samuels
Cash Wheeler
Dax Harwood
Christopher Daniels
Frankie Kazarian
Sammy Guevara
Johnny Gargano
Rey Fenix
Tommaso Whitney (Formerly Tommaso Ciampa)
Adam Cole
Matt Riddle
Pete Dunne
Adeel Alam (Formerly Ali)
Aleister (Formerly Aleister Black)
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
’The Monster’ Adam Scherr

Female roster:

Kairi Sane
Piper Niven
BB Crawford (Formerly Bianca Belair)
Tessa Blanchard
Lexi Kaufman (Formerly Alexa Bliss)
Ember Moon
DMD Britt Baker
Rhea Ripley
Tenille Dashwood

Weekly show:

Thursday Warfare (posted on Thursdays)


March - Revolution
April - Spring Sacrifice
June - Battleground

August - Blood in the sand
October - Fall Of Man

December - Season’s Beatings
January - Quest For Success


PWU World Heavyweight Championship - Vacant
PWU Xcite Championship - Vacant
PWU Tag Team Championship - Vacant
PWU International Championship - Vacant
PWU Women’s Championship - Vacant

Okay so this will be a new organisation that has a working agreement with AEW. There are many stars formerly from the WWE but they are now in PWU. I’ll try to have a good reason why and I may explain their move during my shows but I am changing their names so that it feels new, kind of how it would in real life if any of the WWE guys move to a new promotion. Warfare shows will be posted on Thursdays from now on.. Weekly shows will be in summary format (still detailed but not ridiculously) PPV’s will be fully written shows.

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2021 14:40:53 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (6)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (7)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (8)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (9)

I have made 91 posts

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 6, 2021 20:47:02 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 6, 2021 20:47:02 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (10)

We are live from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago Illinois for the first episode of PW Uprising’s Warfare! The fans are going crazy as they are not sure what to expect, this brand new wrestling promotion rivalling the WWE and with a working agreement with AEW and with a billionaire owner, already huge names signed and lots more to come!

We start off by seeing Stuart Bennett (Formerly Wade Barrett) in the middle of the ring while the fans go crazy. “Welcome to Pro Wrestling Uprising!!” The fans chant PWU as Bennett stands in the middle of the ring soaking up the atmosphere. “This is a new beginning in professional wrestling and I’m very grateful to our owner for giving me an opportunity at being the General Manager of this company.” The fans have a mixed reaction, some cheers and boos to this announcement. “Now then tonight, as it’s the first show and a new era in professional wrestling, I’m not here to piss about. We need a world champion don’t we? So as of tonight an eight man tournament will begin for the Pro Wrestling Uprising World Heavyweight Championship! all of the competitors have been champions at their previous employer and will compete in the first round tonight!” The fans cheer. “The final of this tournament will be held at our first Pay Per View, Revolution on March 28th!! Also tonight, there will be a six man showcase of our Xcite division as well as a major announcement of a brand new signing who has yet to be announced! He will be here by the end of the show. So without further ado.....let the WARFARE commence!!!” Bennett leaves the ring and we go to the PWU announce team of Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness.

Ranallo speaks first “Well what a way to kick off Warfare! Our GM Stu Bennett announcing the eight man tournament for the World Championship as well as a showcase for the Xcite division tonight, let’s look at the brackets for the first round. (Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Steen, AJ Styles vs. Prince Devitt, Kenny Omega vs Drew Galloway, Jon Moxley vs. Adam Cole) Nigel, who do you think will progress tonight in our first round?” Nigel looks the brackets, “This is a tricky one to call, each of these stars could quite easily be our World Champion but tonight I expect four great matches and I cannot wait” Ranallo interjects “Well let’s get to it! The first round is under way”

Justin Roberts announces the competitors for the first match in the PWU World Championship tournament. Kevin Steen gets a huge ovation and chants of ‘Fight Steen Fight’ echo throughout the arena. Bobby Lashley enters next, all business and the fans mostly boo.

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Steen

This one is a big brawl with both men going all out for the win. Part way through the match, Lashley thinks he has Steen beat with a huge spinebuster but only gets a two. The match goes back and forth with Steen hitting a pop up powerbomb but only a two count! The crowd are on their feet stomping as both men attempt to reach their feet in this very even match. Steen allows Lashley back in to the match after he misses a frog splash from the top rope. During this melee, the referee ends up knocked down. Steen hits a stunner and has the match won but there’s no referee! Steen attempts to wake up the official but Lashley grabs a chair from the outside of the ring and clocks Steen with it from behind! He then hits Steen with a Dominator onto the chair! The crowd boo as the referee slowly wakes up, 1....2....3! Lashley advances! Steen leaves the ring and is furious!

We go backstage to Kenny Omega who is with the Young Bucks. Omega talks up his chances of winning the World Championship and he knows that he’s in for a tough match against Drew Galloway. Omega states that it is his destiny to become the champion of this company. I’ve held gold all over the world and here it’s no different.” Omega then states “As long as we have each other’s backs (looking at the Young Bucks).....we’ll be unstoppable in the PWU.” They then throw the ‘too sweet’ signal before leaving the interview area.

AJ Styles vs. Prince Devitt

The tournament continues with this high flying affair between AJ Styles and Prince Devitt. These two know each other so well and it shows in this match with plenty of reversals and counters. High spots during the match include Devitt hitting a somersault plancha over the top rope onto Styles to a big reaction and also Styles countering a top rope hurricarana into a powerbomb from the top! This resulted in ‘fight forever’ chants from the fans in attendance. Kicks galore during the match, both men hitting a Pele kick on each other. The closing moments of the match include Styles countering a sit out reverse DDT and setting Devitt in position for the Styles Clash and levelling him with it! AJ rolls him over, 1...2...3! Huge win in a fantastic match. The fans are on their feet applauding and after the match, AJ and Devitt shake hands and also throw up a too sweet sign to each other before hugging in the ring.

Ranallo on commentary, “What a fantastic match between two friends! Of course these two had crossed paths all over the world, I wonder what they have in store in PWU?” McGuinness responds “It’s also interesting with their history in the Bullet Club along with other members on this roster, I wonder if we’ll see some sort of reunion down the line?” Ranallo responds with “Well ya never know but we do know that AJ Styles has advanced in the PWU World Heavyweight Championship tournament and will face Bobby Lashley in the next round!”

We see Kevin Steen barge into the office of Stu Bennett. We see Bennett sitting behind his desk with Sha Samuels also seated drinking a can of lager. Steen exclaims “You see what happened out there!? I was robbed!! I had the match won!! I want a rematch! I deserve a rematch!” Bennett strokes his chin and chuckles “You see Kevin....that’s your problem. You’ve always blamed someone else for your own downfall. You got fired from your previous promotion for your unprofessionalism. Now you want to barge in my office and demand a rematch? The answer is no. Why can’t you just accept’re a loser?” Bennett and Samuels laugh at Kevin. Steen gets in the face of Bennett as Sha Samuels rises to his feet. Steen tells Bennett “This isn’t over.....oh and I suggest you tell your pet to sit down..” Samuels goes to move towards Steen as Bennett holds him back and Steen leaves the office.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Shelton Benjamin

Up next, a non tournament match between two huge talents in PWU. This one is a back and forth encounter, Castagnoli showing his impressive strength with numerous power moves. Benjamin gains some momentum in the match after countering Castagnoli’s pop up forearm catching Claudio coming back with a DDT which got a good crowd response. Benjamin then uses submission holds to wear down his opponent however it isn’t enough as Castagnoli hit Benjamin with the neutraliser to pick up the three count to a big ovation. After the match, Castagnoli picks up the microphone.

“This is only the beginning of Claudio Castagnoli in PWU. Cesaro is dead......I’ve been held down over the last 7 years and I’m sick of being overlooked by the suits! My name is Claudio Castagnoli and my time! ” The crowd chant ‘Castagnoli’ and applaud as he leaves the ring hyped up.

Mauro Ranallo on commentary states “Now this is a guy who I believe is a gonna be a star in this company!! Formerly known as Cesaro, Claudio Castagnoli has all the tools to be a mega star and I agree with him, his time is now here in PWU!!!” Nigel McGuinness is in agreement, “Absolutely Mauro, I’ve worked with this guy all over the world and he is an absolute professional. He deserves to be a star in our company and I cannot wait to see more of him” Ranallo then introduces the next match “Well there are many stars on our roster here in PWU, and none bigger than our competitors in our next match....the third first round match in the World Championship tournament, Kenny Omega taking on Drew Galloway!”

Kenny Omega vs. Drew Galloway

This really is a clash between two heavyweights in this company. Both men start to match trying to feel each other out, neither man gaining a solid advantage. Omega gains control after catching Galloway with a neck breaker. Omega hits a series of dragon suplexes, followed by a middle rope moonsault! Only gets a near fall. Galloway turns the tide of the match after he reverses a dragon suplex with elbows and then follows up with a huge clothesline. Galloway hits a variety of power moves but again the tide turns with after Galloway misses the Claymore! Omega then hits a sit out powerbomb and gets a near fall. The match continues with both men hitting their patented moves. Omega looks like he has the match won, One Winged Angel! Omega looks to cover but all of a sudden, the lights go out!!

A video starts playing on the video wall and emerging from a smokey room we see Aleister (formerly Aleister Black)! He just smirks and shouts “Pray!!” before disappearing into the smoke. An egg timer starts on the screen before the lights come back on with Omega looking confused. Suddenly, boom! Claymore kick by Galloway!! The cover, 1....2....3! Galloway looks confused by what just happened but leaves the ring victorious.

Mauro Ranallo is confused on commentary. “What the hell was that!? Aleister just cost Kenny Omega the match!? What business does he have with Kenny Omega!?” Nigel McGuiness also confused “I’m not sure what just happened! He said ‘Pray’ then.....what was that egg timer!? What does this mean for Kenny Omega and the rest of PWU!?”

We go to a promo for the first Pro Wrestling Uprising Pay Per View, Revolution on March 28th.

Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness hype up the next match, a six man tag team match between members of the Xcite division! We have, Senshi and the Motor City Machine Guns taking on Ricochet, Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian!

Senshi, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin vs. Ricochet, Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian

Just as the match is about to start, Sammy Guevara makes his way to the stage. “Whoa whoa hold are you gonna seriously have a showcase for the Xcite division but not have Sammy Guevara in the match? I’m the most talented guy in the division and I’m not even in the match!? Come on! It’s okay though because I’m just gonna take a seat and watch this match from here and let you all beat the hell out of each other.” Guevara smiles and the bell sounds.

This match is as you would expect lots of high flying, lots of reversals and near falls. Each man gets a good couple minutes in the match showcasing their skills. Guevara enjoys the six men beating each other up, and the match ends with all six men brawling in the ring eventually leaving Ricochet and Alex Shelley. Ricochet hits a huge hurricarana, setting up for the 720 splash! Ricochet hits it perfectly and gets the 3 count. Ricochet wins for his team! After the match, all six men continue to brawl while Sammy Guevara laughs and leaves the stage area.

Mauro Ranallo on commentary announces, “We have just heard from Stu Bennett that next week there will be a ten man battle royal in which the last two men remaining in the match will compete at Revolution to become the first ever PWU Xcite Champion!” McGuinness responds “Wow thats huge! The great thing about this division is that it doesn’t matter who the final two men are, y’know that the match at Revolution will be awesome. Can’t wait for that one!”

We go to Kayla Braxton backstage with Jon Moxley. “Jon, tonight you have a chance to advance into the PWU World Championship tournament semi finals. You’re here as part of the working agreement between PWU and AEW. Can you become the first ever PWU World Champion?” Jon smirks before responding “What do you think Kayla? I held the AEW championship and this is no different. I bring something that nobody else in this tournament does, raw aggression. Tonight.....Adam Cole will find out what Jon Moxley is all about...” Moxley walks off and we are ready for our main event!

Jon Moxley vs. Adam Cole

The final first round match in the Pro Wrestling Uprising World Championship tournament to determine who faces Drew Galloway next week on Warfare in the semi final! Both men get a good ovation before the match. Moxley takes control early using his aggressive style to gain the upper hand. The match turns when Moxley goes to the top rope and Adam Cole crotches him on the top turnbuckle before hitting a suplex from the top! Cole keeps Moxley grounded, working on the leg. Cole locks in a figure four but Moxley gets to the ropes. The match goes back and forth in a decent main event. The closing moments include Adam Cole missing the Last Shot, coming back and getting caught with the Paradigm shift! Moxley hooks the leg, 1....2....3! What a win!!

After the match Moxley is celebrating when we hear “Look in my eyeeeeesssss what do you seeee, the Cult of Personality” the crowd go mental!!! Moxley turns to look at the stage and out comes CM Punk to a thunderous ovation in his hometown!!! Punk goes to his knees and holds his fist to his ear before exclaiming “It’s clobbering time!!!” Punk stares at Moxley in the ring as Moxley stares at Punk through the middle ropes.

Mauro Ranallo on commentary is beside himself, “I can’t believe it!!! It’s CM Punk!!! Punk is here!!! Is he the surprise signing!?We haven’t seen him wrestle in over 6 years!” McGuinness shouts “I never thought I’d see the day!! What a moment! What does this mean!?.......We’ll find out next week on Warfare!!”

Warfare goes off air with Punk and Moxley staring at each other from a distance.

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2021 14:34:19 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (14)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 9, 2021 13:09:15 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 9, 2021 13:09:15 GMT 1

PWU Warfare 11/03/21 Preview!!

Last week on Warfare, we saw the shocking return of CM Punk to the pro wrestling world. We will hear from the ‘second city saint’ this week, will he tell us his reasoning for signing with Pro Wrestling Uprising? Who he wants to face? Will he come straight in and try and have an impact on the PWU World Heavyweight Championship? We will hear from the man himself this week on Warfare!

We will see the semi finals of the PWU World Heavyweight Championship tournament take place this week as Jon Moxley will battle Drew Galloway, as well as Bobby Lashley taking on AJ Styles in two huge matches! Which two of these four participants, will headline the Revolution Pay Per View on March 28th for the title? Tune in to Warfare to find out!

Also this week, the 10 man battle royal in which the final two men in the match will be going one on one at Revolution for the Xcite Championship!

We will see the debut of two of our highly talented superstars in the Women’s Division as Lexi Kaufman battles Shotzi in which should be a hell of a match.

Kenny Omega will be at Warfare to address the circ*mstances surrounding his loss last week thanks to Aleister, will we see more of Aleister this week?

All this and much much more this week on Warfare!!

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (15)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (16)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (17)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (18)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 11, 2021 12:32:09 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 11, 2021 12:32:09 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (19) 11th March 2021

A video plays of highlights from last week’s episode, showing the closing moments of the first round matches for the World Championship tournament. It then shows the debut of CM Punk at the end of the show and him and Moxley staring at each other from a distance

We go to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness on commentary “Welcome to the second episode of Thursday Warfare!! What a night we have tonight, the semi finals of the World Championship tournament will take place Jon Moxley takes on Drew Galloway and AJ Styles takes on Bobby Lashley, plus the Xcite division 10 man battle royal in which the final two men will be meeting each other for the Xcite Championship at Revolution! Also tonight we will see action from our womens division for the first time as Lexi Kaufman will battle Shotzi one on one!” McGuiness interjects, “that’s not all, we will see ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee in action as well as hearing from Kenny Omega regarding what happened with Aleister last week. Also tonight.......”

As McGuinness is talking, CM Punk’s theme plays throughout the arena with a huge ovation from the crowd! Ranallo on commentary “Well I guess we’re kicking off Warfare with the newest acquisition of PWU, CM Punk!!” CM Punk makes his way to the ring.

Punk soaks up the atmosphere and CM Punk chants echo throughout the arena. “It’s so good to be back in a wrestling ring! I’ve been gone for over six years...six long years trying to find myself again. I realised that this is where I belong. I know I missed my chance to be in the World Championship tournament but I’m putting out a challenge to the winner of that tournament. It is my destiny to become a World Champion again and I am ready to stake my claim here in PWU!”
Punk is interrupted as Jon Moxley’s music hits!! Punk grins as Moxley makes his way to the ring. Moxley grabs a mic “Well look who it is?...... It’s the failed UFC fighter returning to my world trying to make a claim on something that I’m actually having to fight for. You can’t just come back here and ask for a title match. I’m here fighting in a tournament, fighting with everything in my being to become champion.” The two continue to go back and forth with verbal jibes until Moxley has enough and hits Punk with the microphone followed up with the Paradigm Shift!! A mixed reaction from the fans for Moxley as he leaves the ring pumped up and Punk holds his neck down in the ring.

We go backstage and see Stu Bennett arriving with Sha Samuels (who has a can of beer in his hand) Bennett enters his office and finds it trashed!! There’s paperwork everywhere, desk turned upside down and graffiti on the wall stating “Bennett is a wanker” as well as “Samuels is a bitch” Bennett is furious as Samuels shouts “where’s my beer!? He’s stolen my beer!!” and he and Bennett leave the office immediately to find the culprit.

’Limitless’ Keith Lee vs. Ortiz w/ Santana

We go to our first match with Keith Lee taking on Ortiz. Keith Lee shows his impressive array of moves including an over the top rope plancha, a standing moonsault and a beautifully executed spinebuster. Ortiz gains an advantage after Lee misses a corner splash. Ortiz following up with a super kick to the jaw which gets him a near fall. Ortiz follows up with nice dropkicks and Santana gets involved, choking Keith Lee near the ropes while the ref is distracted. Despite under handed tactics, Lee regains the advantage in the match and after being whipped into the ropes, Lee catches Ortiz with the pounce!! Lee then hits Ortiz with the Supernova for the 1....2....3!

After the match, Santana and Ortiz double team Keith Lee however Lee powers out and gains an advantage sending both Santana and Ortiz to the mat. Jake Hager then appears to help his fellow members of the Inner Circle in AEW!! Hager nails Lee with a huge boot to the face and follows up with a belly to belly suplex to the big guy! Santana and Ortiz then follow up and do a number on Lee. Hager, Santana and Ortiz raise each others arms and leave the ring.

Up next we see Stu Bennett and Sha Samuels barge into Kevin Steen’s locker room. “You think you’re funny dont you Steen!?” Steen looks pretend puzzled “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Sha Samuels butts in “Yes you do!! You think you can just take my beer and get away with it huh?” Bennett looks at Samuels before continuing “You trashed my office and called me a wanker on my office wall! I know it was you but you need to stop this grudge you have against us cos trust me’ll pay for this” Steen laughs “You think I’m scared of you? Or you Samuels? Well maybe now you’ll listen to me. I demanded a rematch with Lashley last week and you denied my request, something which wasn’t a smart move on your part.....” Bennett furiously interjects “Let me tell you something definitely wasn’t a smart move on your part either! Cos tonight, your antics have got you into a handicap match! That’s right....its you against the Good Brothers, Anderson and Gallows. I’ll teach you not to cross me....good luck haha” Bennett and Samuels leave the locker room looking smug. Steen just shakes head before throwing a chair against the wall.

Ranallo and McGuinness on commentary react to what we just heard relating to Kevin Steen taking on the Good Brothers tonight!

Lexi Kaufman vs. Shotzi

Up next, the debut of the PWU Women’s division! This is a decent match, Kaufman taking control early on. Kaufman hits several nice moves including a double knee into the face of Shotzi who is resting her head on the bottom turnbuckle. Lexi hits a nice fisherman suplex but only gets a two count. Shotzi takes advantage after a nice facebuster, followed up with a hurricarana to Lexi! She only receives a two count. Shotzi then gets in a beautiful running enziguiri which again only receives a two count. Shotzi goes for a dragon suplex but Lexi smartly reverses it into a facebuster! Lexi heads to the top rope and hits the twisted moonsault for the 3 count in a really evenly fought match! After the match, Rhea Ripley comes out and destroys both women!! Ripley leaves them both laying in a heap.

Up next, Kenny Omega comes out accompanied by the Young Bucks. Omega talks about what happened last week with Aleister and said it was just a blip early on in his PWU career. He states he is not scared of Aleister and doesn’t get spooked by lame early 90’s special effects. The Young Bucks and Omega make fun of Aleister some more until the lights go out and Aleister appears on stage with the egg timer (which appeared in the video last week) in a cross legged seated position with a spotlight on him. The crowd cheer as Aleister starts talking “You see Kenny....I’m more than just special effects, I’m actually here tonight. I don’t think you understand why I’m here do you so let me explain. I’m praying for you Kenny....and it’s not just you I’m praying for oh’s all of ‘the elite’ Ya see, I’ve seen what’s happened in AEW. You got your friends together and took over the company...stepping on others to get to the top. Well that’s not happening here in PWU. You and your boys thought you’d come in here and take over......but not while I’m here. In PWU, we fight. WE will fight you, so Kenny, Nick, Matt I’m praying for ya. You haven’t got long....see you at Revolution” Aleister leaves the egg timer on the stage in the spotlight.

Ranallo on commentary “Was that a challenge for Revolution!? Sounds like Aleister wants to fight Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks at Revolution?” McGuinness responds “What did Aleister mean by we? I have the feeling he’s not coming alone!!”

We go backstage to Bobby Lashley with Kayla. Kayla asks him about the questionable circ*mstances regarding his victory last week against Kevin Steen in the first round of the World Championship tournament. Lashley responds by saying he’ll do anything to be World Champion and that he has one goal in dominate.

Bobby Lashley vs. AJ Styles

A huge match here with big ramifications. Lashley starts the match in control, using his power to bully AJ Styles. Lashley drives his shoulder into Styles in the corner before hitting him with a belly to belly overhead suplex. Lashley only gets a two count. Lashley continues his assault until Styles gets his feet up into the face of Lashley when he attempts a corner splash, this is followed by a hurricarana. AJ takes some control in the match hitting his combo punched and backhands followed up with a Pele kick! Styles goes for the cover but only a two count. This continues to be a really back and forth match, at one point Styles thinks he has the match won and goes for a Styles Clash but Lashley is too big and reverses it into a cradle but gets a near two count! Lashley then hits AJ with a huge clothesline. Lashley regains control, until he goes for the Dominator, Styles counters it into a nice arm drag followed up with another Pele kick! Styles sensing his opportunity goes to the apron for flying forearm. Styles jumps but Lashley counters it with a thunderous spear in mid air!! The crowd gasp as Lashley covers, 1.....2......3!! Lashley is going to Revolution!!

Mauro Ranallo on commentary is hyped up, “What a hell of a match we’ve just seen here on uprising!! Either of these guys could of won this but tonight it’s Lashley’s night! Lashley will face either Drew Galloway or Jon Moxley for the PWU World Championship at Revolution!!” Nigel McGuinness also sings the praises of both athletes and tells us Styles should be proud of his efforts here.

We go to a promo for the first Pro Wrestling Uprising Pay Per View, Revolution on March 28th.

We go backstage to Kayla who is standing by with Jon Moxley. Kayla asks Moxley about what happened earlier in the night with CM Punk and is he concerned about a retaliation? Moxley states he is not concerned with Punk and that the only thing he is concerned with is the PWU World Championship. Suddenly out of nowhere, Moxley is attacked from behind!!! It’s CM Punk! Punk brutalises Moxley with a chair, repeatedly hitting him with it in the ribs! Punks attack leaves Moxley in agony, gasping for air. Punk leaves the scene “You’re concerned about me now huh Moxley!? Good luck against Galloway!”

Ranallo on commentary now questions what this attack means for the main event tonight! “How the hell is Moxley gonna compete against Galloway later!? Does this mean Galloway will get a bye into the final and has Punk just cost Moxley a chance to become PWU World Champion?” Nigel McGuinness interrupts “Sorry to cut you off Mauro but I’ve just received word from Stu Bennett’s office that Drew Galloway will still have a semi final match tonight even if Moxley can’t compete. Galloway will face AJ Styles if Moxley is unable to compete. Also Stu Bennett has announced that at Revolution, we will see the first PWU Women’s Champion crowned as there will be a fatal four way between Rhea Ripley, Lexi Kaufman, Shotzi and the winner of a match between BB Crawford and Dr Britt Baker that’ll take place next week on Warfare!” Big announcements made there.

10 Man Xcite Division Battle Royal (Christopher Daniels, Senshi, Ricochet, Sammy Guevara, Alex Shelley, Chris Sanin, Adeel Alam, Frankie Kazarian, Rey Fenix, Kip Sabian

We come to the next match, the final two men in this battle royal will meet at Revolution to become the inaugural Xcite Champion. This match starts like a normal battle royal, brawling everywhere in the ring. The first man eliminated is Frankie Kazarian by Senshi after Senshi is on the apron, Kazarian charges but Senshi pulls him over to the apron and then hits him with a stiff kick to the head, sending him to the outside. Sammy Guevara spends most of the match trying to avoid others. The next elimination is Adeel Alam! Alam goes to hit a 450 splash on Alex Shelley but Guevara comes out on nowhere and pushes him off the top rope into the guardrail below. Down to 8 men! The action continues and next eliminated is Chris Sabin, who is superkicked over the top rope by Ricochet! Kip Sabian is eliminated next, Sabian and Ray Fenix find themselves battling on the ring apron after battling over the top rope, Fenix delivers an incredible springboard DDT onto the apron to Sabian which incapacitates him resulting in Sabian rolling to the outside eliminating him. Next is a double elimination of Christopher Daniels and Senshi! Both men brawling on the top turnbuckle but again Sammy Guevara sneaks up and pushes both men off the top sending them crashing to the floor below! We are down to the final four of Guevara, Rey Fenix, Ricochet and Alex Shelley! These four battle it out and before long we see Ricochet bring a ladder into the match! Rey Fenix battles Ricochet, lots of flips and reversals while Alex Shelley just chops away at Guevara in the corner. Before long we see, Rey Fenix and Shelley ascend to the top of the ladder! The crowd are on their feet as both of them hammer away with right hands on top of the ladder. Ricochet climbs to the top rope and dropkicks the ladder!! It wobbles and Alex Shelley and Rey Fenix crash to the floor outside the ring meaning Ricochet and Sammy Guevara win the battle royal and will face each other for the Xcite Championship at Revolution!

After the match, we see Stu Bennett come out to the stage. “Congratulations gents, quite the display. You two will be facing each other at Revolution but seeing as you like bringing ladders into play Ricochet and I want us to be the best wrestling promotion with the best matches......we’re gonna make that title match, a ladder match!!!” ‘Yes’ chants fill the arena as Ricochet grins and Guevara looks shocked. Ranallo and McGuinness talk about how they cannot wait for that match at Revolution in 2 weeks.

We see a promo from Matt Riddle who tells us he will make his PWU debut next week......bro.

We go back to Mauro Ranallo who tells us what to expect next week on Warfare! We’ll be seeing Matt Riddle in action, as well as the contract signing for the PWU World Heavyweight Championship match at Revolution. We’ll see more from the Xcite division, Crawford and Baker going at it for a shot at the Women’s Championship, and The Young Bucks in tag team action and much more still to be announced!

Kevin Steen vs. The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows)

Up next is the handicap match set up by Stu Bennett earlier in the evening. Steen takes the fight to the Good Brothers, not backing down. Steen hits a spinebuster to Doc, before whipping him into the corner followed by a splash and then a cannon ball! Steen is in control however Doc’s size and strength soon is too much for Steen and Steen receives a huge boot to the face followed by a splash for a near fall. Doc tags in Anderson, and Anderson wears Steen down with technical holds. The tide of the match turns however when Anderson tags in Doc, Doc goes to splash Steen in the corner but misses! Steen takes down Anderson with a drop kick and Steen hits a stunner on Doc!! Anderson has the ref distracted while Steen has the match won! Steen gets to his feet shouting at the ref (still distracted) Suddenly we see Sha Samuels make his way to the ring, beer can in hand and he cracks the can over the back of Steen’s head!! Anderson and Gallows then hit the Magic Killer! Gallows covers for the 1.....2.....3! The crowd boo and the Good Brothers win thanks to Sha Samuels interference!

Ranallo and McGuinness talk about the upcoming main event which is scheduled to be Jon Moxley taking on Drew Galloway the winner taking on Bobby Lashley for the PWU World Championship at Revolution. They talk about whether Moxley will be able to compete after the attack by CM Punk earlier.

We then go to Kayla backstage standing along side Drew Galloway. She asks Drew whether he’s concerned about who his opponent is and if Moxley can’t compete does this throw Galloway’s game plan out the window? Galloway responds with “It doesn’t matter whether I face Moxley or Styles, the result is still the same. I am the dominant force in PWU and I will show that tonight. Last week I beat one of the best in Kenny Omega. Tonight, I’ll be showing the world why Drew Galloway wins championships in every company he steps in to. Moxley/Styles better be prepared for me...” Galloway walks off looking ready for his match.

Jon Moxley vs. Drew Galloway

Galloway comes out first to a good ovation. After a while, we hear AJ Styles music hit! It appears as though Jon Moxley is too injured to compete! Styles makes his usual entrance but half way down the ramp, we see Jon Moxley! Moxley nails Styles in the head from behind with a clothesline knocking Styles to the ground! Moxley has taped up ribs and definitely looks the worse for wear. Moxley hobbles to the ring and demands the match begins, the ref reluctant to call for the bell but does. Drew goes for the kill straight away working on Moxley’s ribs with kicks. Galloway delivers a clothesline into the corner, knocking Moxley down. Galloway looks in complete control until he goes for a Claymore kick and misses it! Galloway lands hard and Moxley begins to gain some momentum, stomping away and hitting a few elbow drops (which take their toll) Moxley brings Galloway to his feet and whips him off the ropes, catches him with a huge spinning lariat! The fans get behind Moxley despite the crowd being mixed on who they want to win. Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift but Galloway backs Moxley into the corner! Moxley holds his ribs and Galloway hits him with a big boot to the face sending Moxley crashing down. Galloway has no remorse and picks Moxley up hitting him with a huge gutwrench powerbomb! Galloway covers but only a two count. Gutsy performance from Moxley. Galloway waits for Moxley to get to his feet before hitting him with the Claymore Kick! Moxley gets to his feet holding his ribs and then boom right to the jaw!!! Galloway hits it then covers, 1.......2........3! Its over! Galloway is going to Revolution!

Ranallo on commentary “What a gutsy display by Jon Moxley but it is Drew Galloway who is facing Bobby Lashley at Revolution for the PWU World Championship!!! And speak of the devil.....” we see Bobby Lashley enter the stage and he just stares down Galloway. Galloway signals for him to come and fight him! McGuinness on commentary yells “Are they gonna fight now!? This could be chaos here!” as Warfare goes off the air.

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2021 14:35:10 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (23)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 17, 2021 0:12:37 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 17, 2021 0:12:37 GMT 1

PWU WARFARE 18/03 preview!!

Last week we saw Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley book their place into the final PWU World Championship tournament! What will go down when these two titans come face to face in their contract signing for the match at Revolution?

This week on Warfare will we hear from Aleister on why he seems to have his attention on Kenny Omega and The Elite? What will Aleister do next and will Kenny Omega respond?

Will there be revenge in sight for Jon Moxley after CM Punk brutally attacked him last week, effectively costing him a shot at the PWU World Championship? We hope to hear from Moxley this week on Warfare and you won’t wanna miss that!

We saw Sha Samuels and Stu Bennett stack the deck against Kevin Steen last week, putting him in a handicap match against The Good Brothers. Will they have any other surprises for Steen this week or will Steen finally get one over on Stu Bennett and his enforcer Sha Samuels?

Also this week, The Young Bucks will be in tag team action, plus DMD Britt Baker goes one on one with BB Crawford for the final spot in the PWU Women’s Championship Fatal 4 Way at Revolution! Matt Riddle will also make his debut and much more on this week’s WARFARE!

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (24)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (25)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (26)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (27)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 18, 2021 12:20:24 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 18, 2021 12:20:24 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (28)
18th March 2021

The show begins with a video package showing what happened last week with Punk/Moxley and the semi finals matches in the PWU World Heavyweight Championship tournament. After this, Mauro Ranallo runs through what we’re expecting at tonight’s Warfare, just two weeks until Revolution! “Tonight we will see Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley signing the contract for the PWU World Heavyweight Championship, as well as BB Crawford going one on one with DMD Britt Baker, the winner of that goes to the Revolution fatal four way for the PWU Women’s Championship!...Also...”

Ranallo is interrupted by Sammy Guevara’s music!! Ranallo is surprised by Guevara’s arrival as he is not scheduled. Sammy Guevara saunters to the commentary booth near the stage and takes a seat next to Ranallo and McGuinness! McGuinness asks “Sammy, nice to see ya, what you doing here tonight, you’re not scheduled to be here?” Guevara smirks “Thanks Neil, I think I know that. I’m just here to get a closer look at my ‘competition’ at Revolution” McGuinness sounds a bit taken off guard “Ooookay it’s Nigel......but with that let’s get to our first match! Xcite Division action coming at ya!!”

Ricochet vs. Kip Sabian

This one starts at a frantic pace, numerous reversals as the two try to gain an upper hand in the match. Sabian starts the match on top after a rake in the eye followed by big right hands and a nice snap suplex. Sabian controls the match early while Guevara on commentary loves what he is seeing. Sabian focuses on Ricochet’s leg, however an opening appears for Ricochet when Sabian goes up for a moonsault but Ricochet falls into the ropes, crotching his opponent on the top turnbuckle. This is followed up with a poisonrana which only gets a two! Ricochet favours his leg throughout the match but he still hits a flurry of high flying moves including numerous dropsaults and a tilt-a-whirl hurricarana! Sabian tries to get a rest on the outside but Ricochet dives to the outside and hits a corkscrew plancha!! The crowd love what they are seeing from Ricochet however Guevara has seen enough from the commentary booth and runs down the ramp, attacking Ricochet from behind causing a DQ!!

The crowd boo as Guevara targets Ricochet’s leg, even hitting it three times with a steel chair! Guevara rolls Ricochet in the ring and connects with the burning GTH knocking Ricochet senseless!! Guevara smirks and leaves the ring area as the crowd boo.

“What a coward Sammy Guevara is!!” Ranallo exclaims. “We saw in the battle royal last week that he doesn’t wanna mix it up with the rest of the Xcite division and tonight he blindsides Ricochet and attacks him with a chair!!” McGuinness responds “Well Guevara will have to get in there and fight eventually but you can’t argue with the strategy of taking out Ricochet’s leg especially as their match for the Xcite Championship is a ladder match!!”

Up next we go backstage to the Young Bucks, who are asked about their tag team match tonight against Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian. Kayla also asks whether they are intimidated by Aleister’s words of warning last week. The Bucks state that they are not worried about Aleister as they have been threatened their whole lives due to their stature. This threat from Aleister is nothing new to them and if anything Aleister is threatened by them and Kenny Omega’s success.

We come back after this interview and into our next match.

Matt Riddle vs. Adeel Alam

Matt Riddle making his debut in PWU against Adeel Alam from the Xcite division. Matt Riddle puts on an impressive display in this one, using numerous quick technical moves and hard kicks to wear down Alam. Alam does gain some offense after Riddle misses a middle rope corkscrew dive. Alam hammers away on Riddle before setting him up for a top rope hurricarana but Riddle counters it into a powerbomb! Riddle then hits the top rope corkscrew dive, followed up by two senton splashes, then he finishes the match off with the Bro Derek for the 1....2....3!! Impressive debut from Matt Riddle in PWU.

After the match, Matt Riddle grabs a microphone. The crowd chant for Riddle and he looks down at Alam and just says “Brrroooooooo” the crowd cheer but just as Riddle is about to speak, we see PAC come from the crowd and he kicks Riddle right in the back of the head knocking him to the mat!! The crowd are shocked and Pac locks Riddle in the ‘Brutaliser’!! After officials come out to break it up, PAC shouts at Riddle “You’re not doing that s**t here!! No catchphrase is keeping me from fulfilling my destiny!!” PAC kicks Riddle for good measure before leaving to a chorus of boos. Ranallo and McGuinness are shocked on commentary “What the hell was that about!? PAC just appeared out of nowhere and brutalised Matt Riddle! “ McGuinness continues “Well PAC obviously has something against Riddle’s catchphrases but that can’t be the only reason? Maybe he was pissed that Riddle got a match on Warfare before him?”

Just after Riddle leaves the ring, we hear Jon Moxley’s music play!! Moxley makes his way to the ring with his ribs bandaged up after last week’s brutal attack by CM Punk. Moxley demands a mic which he receives. “Okay enough of this bulls**t, Punk I know you are here, let’s fight!!” The fans cheer and chant for Moxley, however instead of CM Punk we see Stu Bennett and Sha Samuels make their way to the ring! Bennett starts talking on the mic as they both climb into the ring “Whoa whoa hold your horses there sunshine! CM Punk is not here tonight as I suspended him for a week for getting involved in the World Championship tournament and for injuring you before your big match with Galloway. To be honest even if he was here, I wouldn’t let you two fight, not here anyway! Why would we waste that on these people!? (The crowd boo) however I have taken into consideration how badly you want to get your hands on CM Punk so because of that, I have made the match for Revolution. It’ll be you versus CM Punk in a street fight! How does that sound?” Moxley responds “It sounds great.....but if I know you like I think I do, I feel like there’s a catch somewhere.” Bennett smiles “You know’re not as stupid as you look. You see, despite CM Punk currently on a week’s suspension, you sir are not. This means you will be competing tonight in the main event against......” Bennett is interrupted by Kevin Steen’s music!! Bennett and Samuels glance at each other while Moxley smirks and Steen rushes to the ring with a chair in hand! “All the crap Steen has put up with from Bennett and Samuels so far, they deserve this!!” Ranallo exclaims. Bennett leaves the ring but Moxley holds Samuels to make sure he’s going nowhere! Steen nails Samuels in the gut with the chair and then hits him in the back with it! Bennett pulls Samuels out of the ring and grabs a mic “STOP!! STOP NOW!! Okay Steen, you want Samuels? Fine, you and Samuels one on one at Revolution!! Tonight though, you two can take your frustrations out on.....each other!!! That’s right, tonight, Jon Moxley vs. Kevin Steen!! Have fun lads...” Bennett is pleased with himself as Moxley and Steen glare at each other.

We come back to Nigel McGuinness “Well what about those announcements from our GM!! Two new matches for Revolution as CM Punk will go one on one with Jon Moxley in a street fight!! Also, Kevin Steen will finally get his hands on Sha Samuels as they will go one on one at Revolution.” Ranallo continues “That’s huge but still to come tonight, the contract signing for the PWU World Championship match at Revolution between Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley as well as our main event, Kevin Steen facing Jon Moxley. Up next though it’s our women’s division!”

BB Crawford vs. DMD Britt Baker

BB starts the match on top after catching Baker off guard, whipping her hair into the face of Baker! Baker checks her teeth but then takes a clothesline by BB followed up by a hard body slam. BB hits an elbow drop but only gets a two count. BB continues her offense, showing her power, hitting Baker with a nice gutwrench suplex, again only a two count after the cover. BB lifts Baker by the hair but Baker hits her with two hard right hands to the gut then whips her into the corner, following up with a high knee to the face! Baker then hits BB with a nice bulldog but only gets a two count. This one continues to go back and forth in a decent match, BB with the strength advantage throughout. Baker tries to hit BB with a shining wizard but BB’s strength is unreal as she catches her before lifting her in the air and dropping her with a sit out powerbomb! BB covers but again a near fall! BB delivers a hand spring moonsault but again a near fall! BB goes for a KOD but Baker counters and delivers a codebreaker!!!! BB kicks out! ‘This is awesome’ chants break out, the crowd showing their gratitude at this back and forth match. Baker goes for the Baker buster but BB counters it into a fisherman’s buster! BB then waits for Baker to get to her feet, KOD connects! 1....2.....3! BB Crawford is going to Revolution!!

Up next we go backstage to Kayla Braxton who tracks down Jon Moxley. “Jon, what are your thoughts on facing Kevin Steen tonight, thanks to our GM Stu Bennett?” Moxley glares at her but responds “All I know is......that at Revolution, CM Punk will be getting his ass kicked. In some ways, I’m glad I lost to Galloway last week now it means I have my victim for Revolution in Punk. The PWU World Championship will still be there for me once I’m through with Punk. As for tonight, Steen is just another victim of Jon Moxley. Sure I helped him out earlier but that dont mean s**t, I mean who doesn’t wanna see Sha Samuels and Bennett get their ass kicked right? They done CM Punk a favour tonight but unfortunately for you Steen, you will still have to be my victim” Moxley walks off, pumped up for his match.

We go to the commentary desk where Ranallo and McGuinness show us the recent activity involving Aleister and Kenny Omega while the Young Bucks make their way to the ring for their match.

The Young Bucks vs. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian

The match starts with Nick Jackson and Kazarian, the two lock up resulting in a corner break but Kazarian hits a forearm right to the face! Kazarian boots Nick repeatedly in the gut in the corner showing some aggression. Kazarian then picks him up by the hair and hits a nice suplex. Kazarian tags Daniels but Nick catches him coming in with a nice hip toss followed up by a nice dropkick. The pace quickens and we see a flurry of arm drags by Nick followed by a nice hurricarana. Nick tags in Matt, who picks up where Nick left off. Matt hits a nice snap suplex, followed by a dropkick which sends Daniels to the outside of the ring. Matt then follows up with a sommersault plancha to the outside, taking Daniels down!! Matt then drags Daniels back into the ring. After a while, the match descends into chaos with Matt and Kazarian getting involved and all four men brawling in the ring. Suddenly, the lights go out!!!!

We see Aleister sitting cross legged in a spotlight on the stage with a mic in his hand “Hello Nick.....hello Matt” the action stops in the ring and all four men look at Aleister. “You see this egg-timer I have next to me is nearing the are you. Tell Kenny we said hi....” the egg-timer runs out and suddenly the lights come on and we see Killer Cross and Adam Scherr (formerly Braun Strowman) standing in the ring behind the two tag teams!! Cross and Scherr destroy both teams, Kross hits a double northern lights suplex to Daniels and Nick Jackson, while Scherr hits a hard double clothesline on Kazarian and Matt!!! Cross boots Daniels out of the ring and chokes out Nick with a sleeper! Scherr throws out Kazarian and Matt tries to fight back but Scherr just throws him in the air and lets him land on his front, huge impact!! “Holy s**t” chants echo throughout the arena as Kross and Scherr leave the ring, after leaving both teams in a heap. Aleister gets to his feet and applauds these two monsters! Aleister tells them “You’re work is done for tonight....good job” before they all head backstage.

”What the hell was that!? Is this what Aleister meant by ‘we’!? Those two monsters!?” Ranallo screams on commentary. McGuinness then responds “I’m stunned....I don’t get why or how he even....all I know is....that the landscape of PWU has just changed with those two monsters!”

We come back from a commercial break and we see Kayla knocking on Stu Bennett’s door. “Sorry Mr Bennett, I just wanted your reaction to what we just saw involving Aleister, Killer Kross and Adam Scherr?” Bennett responds “Well talk about make an impact!! I’m thinking that next week we have Kross and Scherr versus Daniels and Kazarian! Clearly they have an issue with The Young Bucks and if they win next week, they get a match with The Young Bucks at Revolution!! Oh and as for Aleister he will get his wish......he will face Kenny Omega at Revolution. Now excuse me, I need to prepare for the contract signing later tonight...”

Up next we see Claudio Castagnoli come to the ring. The fans are fully behind Castagnoli here as Castagnoli takes the microphone. Castagnoli is frustrated that he hasn’t received a match since the first episode of Warfare and is demanding a match tonight! Castagnoli says he is confident in his abilities and issues an open challenge to anybody backstage for right now! After a short wait, Jake Hager answers! These two have history in the WWE. Hager is accompanied by Santana and Ortiz for this match.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jake Hager

This one gets under way with a lock up, Hager goes behind Castagnoli and delivers numerous waistlock takedowns, eventually leading into a side headlock. Castagnoli eventually breaks out of it and the two men have a stand off. Hager offers his hand for a handshake but when Claudio accepts it, Hager forearms him to the face and delivers a big boot to the face!! Hager then attempts an ankle lock but Claudio counters and sends Hager outside the ring!! Claudio goes to the outside and whips Hager into the stairs! Claudio brings Hager back in the ring and gets the upper hand, going through his catalogue of offense, including a gutwrench suplex which only got a two. Claudio looks as though he’s going to hit the neutraliser but Ortiz climbs on the apron distracting the referee! Santana pulls a pair of brass knucks from his tights while the ref is distracted and clocks Claudio with them knocking him out! Hager then locks in his triangle choke and the ref turns around and calls for the bell! Jake Hager wins, thanks to Santana.

Hager, Santana and Ortiz pose in the ring over Claudio but outcomes Keith Lee!! Keith Lee chases away Hager, Santana and Ortiz and checks on Castagnoli.

We go to the commentary desk and Ranallo informs us that they have received word that next week on Warfare, Stu Bennett will have an announcement regarding two new titles in PWU that we will see in the near future. Also next week, Drew Galloway will team up with Keith Lee and Ricochet to take on Bobby Lashley, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager in a six man tag team main event! and we will also see Kenny Omega next week and hear from him before his match with Aleister at Revolution. Adam Scherr and Killer Kross taking on Daniels and Kazarian, the Xcite Division and much more on the go home Warfare! “That’s all next week but right now it’s time for your main event! Then after, we the contract signing between Drew Galloway and Bobby Lashley will take place!”

Jon Moxley vs Kevin Steen

Moxley and Steen start the match throwing rights and lefts at each other, resulting in Steen taking Moxley down to the mat followed by more right hands! Steen puts the boots to Moxley before throwing him out of the ring through the middle rope. Steen then sends Moxley crashing into the stairs! Moxley is sat by the stairs and Steen hits a cannon ball into him!! Big impact by Steen! Steen rolls into the ring as Moxley recovers outside. Steen tries to reach over the top rope to bring Moxley back into the ring but Moxley counters and hangs Steen across the top rope, sending him reeling. Moxley then connects with a huge lariat, goes for a cover but only a two count! Moxley takes control of the match, choking Steen on the mat and hitting him with several punches. Moxley picks Steen up and hits a back suplex. Moxley continues his assault and connects perfectly with a top rope standing elbow to the head of Steen! Steen goes down, Moxley covers but only a two count. Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift but Steen reverses into a northern lights suplex! Steen then levels Moxley with a spinning heel kick, he covers but only a two. He puts the boots to Moxley and then goes to the top rope before attempting a frog splash which misses the target! Both men make it to their feet and slug it out in the middle of the ring, Steen whips Moxley into the corner but misses a splash! Moxley follows up with a huge bulldog! He only gets a near fall. Moxley then waits for Steen to get to his feet and hits a beautiful jumping tornado DDT! Moxley again only gets a two count! Moxley looks frustrated and picks Steen up, Paradigm Shift countered and Steen hits a pop up sit-out powerbomb!! Steen covers,! Kick out! Steen can’t believe it and attempts his Pop Up Powerbomb but Moxley goes behind Steen and hits the Paradigm Shift! Cover, 1......2......3!!! Moxley wins in a hard fought match! The crowd are on their feet applauding the efforts of both men in this back and forth match!

”What a main event that was!! Great effort from both guys there...” shouts McGuinness. Ranallo continues “Steen and Moxley are two of the best here in PWU regardless of what our GM might think...what a match!” We go backstage and we see Stu Bennett with a smirk on his face walking down the hallway with the contract in his hand for Revolution’s PWU World Championship match contract signing coming next!!

We come back from commercial and see the table set up in the ring with Stu Bennett on the microphone. “Ladies and Gentleman, it’s time for the contract signing between Bobby Lashley and Drew Galloway for their PWU World Championship match at Revolution. Bennett introduces both men to the ring, Lashley getting booed and the fans very much behind Galloway. The two men stand either side of the table and go face to face before taking their seats. Bennett asks if either of them have anything to say before they sign the contract. Galloway speaks first “Bobby, I hope you know what you are getting yourself into by signing this contract. You are indeed an absolute physical specimen and a hell of an athlete but I don’t think you understand how badly I need this title. In the other promotion, I was the top dog but I had nothing left to prove there. Here is where my career starts again and there’s not a chance that you’re taking this opportunity from the Scottish Nightmare. If you faced anybody else that was in the tournament in this match, you would be the favourite....but not this time.” Galloway takes the contract and signs it before pushing it towards Lashley. Bennett asks Lashley if he has any response to which Lashley stands up. Galloway follows suit and also stands, these two giants now face to face! The crowd are pumped as Galloway talks trash to Lashley but instead of saying anything, Lashley slams the table into Galloway’s mid section! Bennett leaves the ring as Lashley then hoists Galloway in the air and drops him with a Dominator sending Galloway crashing through the table!! Galloway holds his ribs as Lashley cooly picks up the contract, signs it, then throws it down on to Galloway. We see the shot of Lashley standing over an injured Galloway as Warfare goes off the air!!

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2021 14:35:47 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (29)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (30)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (31)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (32)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 18, 2021 12:25:43 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 18, 2021 12:25:43 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (33)

Bobby Lashley vs. Drew Galloway (PWU World Heavyweight Championship)

CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley (Street Fight)

Kenny Omega vs. Aleister

Kevin Steen vs. Sha Samuels w/Stu Bennett

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara (PWU Xcite Championship - Ladder Match)

Shotzi vs. Lexi Kaufman vs. Rhea Ripley vs. BB Crawford (PWU Women’s World Championship - Fatal Four Way)

Last Edit: Mar 18, 2021 12:31:18 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (34)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (35)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (36)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (37)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 24, 2021 15:58:40 GMT 1via mobile

Post by dcw1 on Mar 24, 2021 15:58:40 GMT 1


This week on Warfare, we have heard that Stu Bennett is set to make a huge announcement regarding two new championships in PWU. Will these titles have any bearing on the Revolution Pay-Per-View on Sunday?

Last week, we heard that CM Punk was serving a suspension however we are expecting him to appear on the go home show to Revolution! Will tensions between himself and Jon Moxley boil over, 3 days before the Pay-Per-View?

We will hear from Kenny Omega regarding his match with Aleister at Revolution. Last week we saw the PWU debut of Aleister’s henchmen Killer Kross and Adam Scherr, what chaos will they cause on this week’s show?

The main event on this week’s show is a huge six man tag team match with Drew Galloway teaming with Ricochet and Keith Lee to take on Bobby Lashley, Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara!! All these men will be battling each other at Revolution in their respective singles matches but how will they fare working as part of a team? Tune in to find out!

Also in action this week, we will see Rhea Ripley in action, Daniels and Kazarian in tag team action and much more as we are on our way to Revolution.....

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (41)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 25, 2021 16:27:32 GMT 1via mobileAsaemon likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 25, 2021 16:27:32 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (42)
25th March 2021

Before the show starts, we see a video package highlighting the best bits from last week’s Warfare (Moxley/Steen, the debut of Scherr and Kross, Matt Riddle’s debut/PAC attack afterwards)

The camera then scans across the packed crowd in Jacksonville, Florida for the go home episode of Warfare just 3 days before Revolution!! The crowd are pumped as we see Stu Bennett in the ring surrounded by the majority of the roster outside the ring. Mauro Ranallo starts off on commentary, “Welcome everyone to Warfare, just three days before our first Pay Per View, Revolution! We are kicking off with Stu Bennett’s announcement regarding two new championships that will be introduced in PWU so with that let’s go to Stu Bennett”

Stu Bennett is in the ring as the crowd boo “Quiten down (crowd boo louder)....pipe down you morons and have some respect for your general manager!!” Stu waits for a few seconds before continuing “ then I have some important business to announce. In PWU, we have a huge roster of talented individuals, the majority of which are more than capable of being the face of this company. Unfortunately, not all of them can be the PWU World Heavyweight Champion so on that basis and in the interest of producing the best wrestling program out there and having the best competition, I am proud to announce the PWU International Heavyweight Championship. This title will be the second main event world championship in this company so our roster now has double the chance of being a champion. (The crowd cheer) I have decided that this title will be initially fought for by the runners up in the opening round matches for the World Heavyweight Championship tournament.....except Kevin Steen and Kenny Omega. You see Kevin Steen is already involved with my enforcer Sha Samuels, so will not be competing for this title and Kenny Omega is already involved with Aleister..” (the crowd boo and chants ‘Fight Steen Fight’) Bennett sarcastically continues “I know, I’m upset about that too...haha. So the two matches in this tournament will be Adam Cole taking on Prince Devitt and AJ Styles taking on an opponent which will be decided later tonight. Tonight, Claudio Castagnoli will face PAC and Matt Riddle in a triple threat match to determine who faces AJ Styles. Those first two tournament matches will take place next week on Warfare with the final between the winners of those matches taking place on Warfare on April 8th!!”

“Wow what an announcement by Stu Bennett!! Another title in PWU? That’s awesome!” McGuinness exclaims on commentary. Ranallo responds “That’s huge news, giving all the roster a second world title opportunity in this company.....apart from Kevin Steen it seems!”

Bennett continues “Now on to my second announcement. Here in PWU, we have an abundance of great tag teams meaning they need a title to fight for too. Now I realise this is a little out of the blue but given the number of great tag teams we have here I’ve decided to speed things up. So at Revolution, we will also be crowning new Tag Team Champions in a six team Tag Team Turmoil match. Now last week, I announced that Killer Kross and Adam Scherr and The Young Bucks would possibly face each other at Revolution depending on the outcome of a match tonight. However, I may have been a little rash in announcing that so in the interest of competition that match is now going to happen tonight and instead at Revolution, we will see Daniels and Kazarian, Santana and Ortiz, FTR, The Young Bucks, Adam Scherr and Killer Kross and a mystery team, all compete to become the first PWU Tag Team Champions.”

The Young Bucks look at each other then look at Bennett in distain as he leaves the ring.

Ranallo shouts on commentary “How is it fair that The Bucks meet Kross and Scherr tonight, three days before this newly announced Tag Team Turmoil match!!” McGuinness responds “I agree that the odds are stacked against The Bucks but if you want to be the best in PWU then you need to beat everyone in front of you including those two monsters!” Ranallo states “You have a point there but I can’t see how anybody in that Tag Team Title match would beat Scherr and Kross! Well in any event, we have a huge night of action tonight here on Warfare!! A triple threat match between Claudio Castagnoli, PAC and Matt Riddle to determine who will meet AJ Styles next week as well as our huge six man tag team main event, Drew Galloway teaming with ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee and Ricochet to take on Bobby Lashley, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager in our main event! As you heard, The Bucks will be taking on Adam Scherr and Killer Kross plus we will hear from Kenny Omega tonight! Let’s get to our opening match!”

Rhea Ripley vs. Ember Moon

This one is a very physical match, Ripley hammers away on Moon before the bell sounds and takes control of the match immediately. Ripley boots Moon repeatedly in the corner before driving her shoulders into Moon’s ribs. Ripley then delivers a beautiful T-bone suplex out of the corner, driving Moon to the mat. Ripley goes for a cover but only gets a two count. Ripley dominates the match until attempting an elbow drop from the middle turnbuckle which misses. Moon gets offense in and mounts Ripley, hitting her with hard lefts and rights. Moon then picks Ripley up and delivers a single leg dropkick followed by a clothesline, then a fallaway slam! Ember covers but only gets a two count. Ember continues to be on the offensive but is cut off when attempting a flatliner and Ripley reverses it with numerous knees to the face followed by a snap mare then a dropkick. Ripley takes over the match, hitting a delayed vertical suplex followed by a belly to back facebuster. She then locks Moon in the Prism Trap!! Moon has no choice but to tap out. Ripley scores a big win before her Fotal Four Way match at Revolution!!

Ranallo on commentary claims we could be seeing the first PWU Women’s Champion!! McGuinness agrees with him and says Rhea Ripley must be the favourite going in to that Four Way match with Lexi Kaufman, Shotzi and BB Crawford.

We next see a video package for Revolution looking at the rivalry between Jon Moxley and CM Punk.

After the video, CM Punk’s music hits!! The crowd go crazy as CM Punk makes his way down to the ring. Punk sits in the middle of the ring and takes a microphone. “So where were we Jon? Oh yeah that’s right, last time I saw you, you were on the ground backstage holding your ribs. It didn’t have to be like this Jon but you struck first, 2 weeks ago on Warfare. You decided to stick your nose in CM Punk’s business because you couldn’t face the thought of another superstar overshadowing you much like your entire WWE career. It never was about you was it Jon? It was always about Roman. Then you went to AEW and I admit you’ve had relative success. Here in PWU though it’s gonna be a different story because we are about to witness the Summer of Punk part two. Cos once I’m through with you at Revolution, I’m taking that World Heavyweight Title and I will be the face of this company.” Punk is about to leave but Moxley’s music hits!

Punk gestures to the ramp, awaiting Moxley’s arrival but Moxley comes from the crowd behind Punk with a steel chair in hand! Moxley smashes Punk repeatedly with a chair as the crowd go nuts! Moxley chokes Punk as officials pour out from the back trying to break it up. Moxley continues his assault and gets a table from under the ring!! Moxley mounts Punk and hits repeated right hands before setting the table up in the ring! Moxley threatens the officials to get out of his way and places Punk on the table. Moxley goes to the top rope as the crowd are at fever pitch. Punk seems to get his bearings just in time and rolls off the table and out of the ring, backing away up the entrance way quickly!! The crowd boo and Moxley tries to go after Punk but the officials stop him. Moxley grabs the mic from the mat “ may of escaped this time but at Revolution there is no escape. Consider this a friendly warning and a preview of what’s to come this Sunday!!”

Ranallo on commentary, “Moxley sending a message to CM Punk right before Revolution!! What a fight that’s gonna be!” McGuinness responds “That’s exactly it Mauro, it’s gonna be a fight. These two men have now attacked each other but at Revolution, they’re going to finally meet officially in a street fight! I can’t wait!”

Next we see a video package for Revolution focusing on Aleister vs. Kenny Omega

We come back and it’s time for our next match.

The Young Bucks vs. ‘The Monster’ Adam Scherr and Killer Kross

Before the match, we see Aleister accompany Scherr and Kross. He sits on the stage cross legged to watch the match. The Bucks try to attack quickly, jumping all over Kross and Scherr. It has little effect however as Kross hits Nick Jackson with a release belly to back suplex and Scherr hits Matt Jackson with a gorilla press slam with huge impact! Kross tosses Nick out of the ring while Scherr continues his assault on Matt swinging him around in a cobra clutch before throwing him to the mat. The referee tries to gain control but Scherr and Kross decimate their opponents with no semblance of order so the ref calls for the bell, calling a no contest!!

This doesn’t stop the destruction as Kross chokes out Nick on the outside while Scherr hits Matt with a front chokeslam! Aleister is pleased with what he sees and makes his way to the ring. Aleister climbs in the ring and instructs Scherr to hold Matt Jackson in place. Aleister looks into the camera and says “This is for you Kenny” and hits Matt with an almighty roundhouse kick knocking him out! Suddenly we see Kenny Omega race down the ramp armed with a baseball bat! Omega takes out Killer Kross on the outside with a shot to the ribs with the bat! Scherr goes after Omega but Omega hits Scherr in the legs with the bat before breaking the bat over Scherr’s massive back!! Kenny then pushes Scherr into the ringpost! Kenny then looks into the ring, him and Aleister stare at each other for a second before Omega rolls into the ring but the lights then go out!! When the lights come back on, Aleister and his henchmen are standing on the stage! Omega looks confused but grabs a microphone “I don’t blame you for getting the hell out of dodge Aleister. Just know that at Revolution, I will show you why I am the greatest wrestler in the world. You’ve made this personal and myself and The Bucks will put an end to all your supernatural s**t. You see, you seem to think you’re the only one who can bring an army!? How naive you must be Aleister. Your days are numbered and I don’t do threats.....unlike you, I make promises that turn into spoilers. See you at Revolution!” Kenny Omega checks on the condition of The Young Bucks as Aleister and his henchmen make their way to the back.

“How about that for a response to Aleister! What a match that’s gonna be at Revolution!” Ranallo exclaims on commentary. McGuinness states, “I’m not sure that Aleister knows what he’s getting in to at Revolution! Then again the same could be said for Kenny Omega! All I know is, that’s gonna be a hell of a match!”

We come back from commercials and we see Christopher Daniels in Stu Bennett’s office where Bennett and Sha Samuels are sat. Daniels is complaining that he and Kazarian were supposed to be in action tonight but the match was given to The Young Bucks. Daniels states he wants a warm up match for his and Kazarian’s tag team turmoil match on Sunday at Revolution. Bennett responds, “You mean to tell me you wanted to face Kross and Scherr tonight!? Well I done you a favour then didn’t I? cos look at what they did to The Young Bucks. I like to think of myself as a fair man however, so tonight as you’re here YOU will be in action in a warm up match. You will be facing another man who needs a warm up match before Revolution.....the man sat next to me! My enforcer, Sha Samuels!!” Samuels grins as Daniels looks pissed and leaves Bennett’s office.

Next we see a video package for Revolution focusing on the Xcite Championship ladder match between Ricochet and Sammy Guevara

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Matt Riddle vs. PAC

Up next is the triple threat match to determine the final place in the PWU International Heavyweight Championship tournament! This one starts off with PAC and Riddle going at it throwing forearms at each other after what happened last week. Castagnoli just stands watching them for a moment before hitting them both with a double clothesline knocking them both down. Claudio catches PAC coming at him and hits him with a back body drop, Riddle then tries a knee but Claudio blocks it and hits Riddle with a flap jack. PAC does finally get the upper hand and hits Claudio with a dropkick from behind, sending him to the outside of the ring. PAC picks up Riddle and hits him with a few kicks, until Riddle catches PAC’s foot and hits him with a spinning heel kick. Riddle covers but only a two count. Riddle then goes for a senton splash which connects. Castagnoli comes back into the ring and hits Riddle with a spinning flying elbow. Real back and forth action here, each man desperate to get that final spot in this tournament. Big offense in this match, including a huge double reverse german suplex from the top turnbuckle by Castagnoli!! PAC attempts to hit Riddle with a top rope german suplex but Castagnoli goes behind PAC and all three men go down from the german suplex resulting in applause from the crowd! Castagnoli covers Riddle but only a two count. The three men recover and throw right hands at each other consecutively eventually ending with Riddle knocking Castagnoli out of the ring then kicking PAC to the mat. Riddle then goes to the top rope and hits Castagnoli with a flying cross body! PAC then gets to his feet and charges at the ropes hitting a springboard shooting star press on to both men outside the ring!! The match continues with PAC rolling Riddle into the ring and locking him in the Brutaliser!! It looks like Riddle is in trouble but Castagnoli breaks it up and lifts PAC in the air before hitting him with a mid air forearm! PAC rolls out of the ring but Riddle then hits a high knee on Castagnoli followed by an exploder suplex! Riddle then goes for the Bro Derek but it is reversed into an Alabama Slam followed up by a Sharpshooter!! Riddle struggles but gets to the ropes, however PAC pushes his fingers off the ropes allowing Castagnoli to drag Riddle away from the ropes resulting in Riddle tapping out!! Castagnoli wins! PAC is furious and floors both men after the match, locking in the Brutaliser on both men.

Ranallo shouts “Another cheap attack by the bastard PAC!! A sore loser, but what a victory by Claudio Castagnoli who will now face AJ Styles on Warfare next week for a shot at the PWU International Championship!!” McGuinness responds with “What a match here on Warfare! A well deserved win for Castagnoli. Him and AJ will tear the house down next week”

We see a video package for Revolution focusing on the Fatal Four Way match for the PWU Women’s Championship.

We go backstage to Kayla Braxton who is standing by with Adam Cole and his girlfriend Britt Baker! Kayla asks Cole about his match next week and how does he rate his chances advancing in the tournament? Adam Cole tells Kayla that there is a very high chance of him being victorious and despite the slight set back last week, Britt will also be a champion soon and they will be the power couple in PWU. Cole talks about the titles he has won all over the world including the NXT Championship. He then talks about Britt’s tenacity and he knows that she will earn her title match soon enough. Baker agrees with Cole and says “Last week, BB was lucky. Well she won’t get that luck again and once I get my title shot I will take that opportunity. However for now, our attention is solely on the PWU International Championship and there is only one rightful champion....and that’s Adam Cole......(she looks at Adam Cole and strokes his face) Babaayyy!”

Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. Sha Samuels

This one gets under way with Sha Samuels using his size to his advantage, over powering Daniels whipping him into the corner followed by a corner splash. Samuels then hits Daniels with a samoan drop. He covers but only a two count. Samuels goes for a suplex but is blocked, Daniels counters into a short arm clothesline that sends the big man down. Daniels then meets him with a drop kick, rocking Samuels and then follows up with a sling blade which takes him down! Daniels then hits a series of quick leg drops but only gets a two count after a pin attempt. Daniels keeps Samuels grounded with quick elbow drops followed by Daniels’ patented double jump moonsault! Daniels again covers but only a two count. Daniels calls for the Angel Wings face buster but Samuels counters backing Daniels into the turnbuckle hard! Samuels then catches Daniels with a huge spine buster followed up by a springboard moonsault of his own!! Incredible agility by a man of Samuels size! Samuels covers but only gets a two count!! Samuels looks pissed and whips Daniels off the ropes and catches him with a standing cross body! Daniels holds his ribs but Samuels locks him in the Butcher’s Hook finisher! Daniels has nowhere to go and taps out! Impressive win by Sha Samuels!

After the match, Samuels grabs a beer from a fan in the front row and shouts in the camera “That one’s for you Steen!! This is what awaits you at Revolution!” Samuels then downs the beer then walks to the back while Frankie Kazarian checks on his fallen teammate.

Next we go to Mauro Ranallo and Nigel McGuinness who runs down the final Revolution card “We have just heard from the office of Stu Bennett that two more matches have officially been signed for Revolution, Matt Riddle will take on PAC and we will also see ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee taking on Jake Hager, both undefeated thus far in PWU. That’ll be an interesting match.” McGuinness says “In the words of JR, that will be a slobberknocker when Hager and Keith Lee collide and what about PAC versus Riddle! That’s got potential Match of The Year written all over it!”

Next we see a video package for Revolution focusing on the PWU World Heavyweight Championship tournament final between Bobby Lashley and Drew Galloway.

We go backstage to Drew Galloway for his thoughts on the upcoming six man tag team match and his thoughts heading into Revolution this Sunday. He states that it doesn’t matter who is on his team as he is purely focused on Bobby Lashley right now. He says “Lashley, last week you thought you got one over me when you put me through that table. Well all you did was awaken a beast inside me and made your job a whole hell of a lot harder. I am taking that title on Sunday but tonight you’re gonna get a special preview of what’s to come. As for Hager and Guevara....I suggest they stay out of my way and I’ll let Keith Lee and Ricochet handle them.”

Drew Galloway, Keith Lee and Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley, Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara

This six man tag match starts off with Jake Hager and Keith Lee but Sammy Guevara tags himself in before they start. Guevara feels confident so he walks up to Keith Lee and slaps him across the face! Guevara smirks but Keith Lee sends him tumbling back to his corner after a huge slap of his own! Guevara then tags in Lashley. Lashley and Lee start the match off with a test of strength which is very even, Lee breaks in the corner but Lashley hits a series of forearms before knocking the big man down with a clothesline. Lashley then clubs Lee to the back, whips him off the ropes, Lee leapfrogs and catches Lashley will a nice dropkick sending him down!! Lee follows this up with a scoop slam followed by an elbow drop which only gets a two count. Lee tags in Ricochet who tries to keep Lashley grounded but the match turns when Ricochet attempts a cross body, is caught then Lashley delivers a fallaway slam. Lashley tags in Guevara who now wants in as Ricochet is down and Guevara puts the boots to Ricochet. Guevara works over Ricochet’s leg for a while before going for a figure four leg lock but Ricochet counters and sends Guevara into the ring post shoulder first! Ricochet looks to make the tag but Guevara manages to stop him and then tags in Hager. Hager uses his strength and power hitting Ricochet with a series of gut-wrench suplexes but only gets a two count after the cover. Hager taunts Ricochet, stopping him getting to his corner controlling the match but Ricochet makes the hot tag to Galloway after rolling through an ankle lock attempt sending Hager into the corner! Lashley tags himself in, Galloway comes in and cleans house, clotheslines to Hager, a big boot to Guevara and even catches Lashley with an overhead belly to belly! Ricochet dives over the top rope with a sommersault plancha to Guevara on the outside while Keith Lee throws Hager into the ring steps! Galloway runs at Lashley and hits a Claymore Kick! Lashley somehow gets to his feet but Galloway hits another Claymore Kick!! Galloway covers, 1.....2.....3!! What a message sent to Bobby Lashley three days before Revolution!

Galloway celebrates the win with his team but they are attacked from behind by the losing team! Guevara takes out Ricochet, Hager and Lee brawl as do Lashley and Galloway at the same time!! Everyone is brawling in and out of the ring, we see more of the roster running down as Ranallo shouts “It’s chaos here, we’ll see you at Revolution!!” as Warfare goes off the air.

Last Edit: Apr 9, 2021 14:36:18 GMT 1 by dcw1

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (43)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (44)Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (45)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (46)

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Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up!Mar 25, 2021 16:29:28 GMT 1via mobileAvery likes this

Post by dcw1 on Mar 25, 2021 16:29:28 GMT 1

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (47)

Bobby Lashley vs. Drew Galloway (PWU World Heavyweight Championship)

CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley (Street Fight)

Kenny Omega vs. Aleister

Kevin Steen vs. Sha Samuels w/Stu Bennett

‘Limitless’ Keith Lee vs. Jake Hager

PAC vs. Matt Riddle

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

(PWU Xcite Championship - Ladder Match)

Shotzi vs. Lexi Kaufman vs. Rhea Ripley vs. BB Crawford (PWU Women’s World Championship - Fatal Four Way)

The Young Bucks vs. FTR vs. Kross and Scherr vs. Santana and Ortiz vs. Daniels and Kazarian vs. TBC (PWU Tag Team Championship - Tag Team Turmoil Match)

Pro Wrestling Uprising - WARFARE 07/22 - Anarchy Rulez up! | BetheBooker (2024)
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