The Stockman's Journal from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

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The Stockman's Journali

Omaha, Nebraska

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September 20 1946 OMAHA DAILY JOURNAL STOCKMAN 2 Shake HESPER AND THE SMACK Omaha Livestock Receipts WEATHER ORECAST 800 he voices Its collective conclusions George Higgins ERTILIZER tables: whistles OR SALE Wallace 3400 200 15 25 1 13 15 Other Markets Pr Av 20 fdr receipts Northwestern wheat Today Wk ago Yr ago542 397 359 1 WANTED i ROM THE LfiRCEST SERUM PLANT I Kansas Cattle Hogs Sheep 500 150 1000 470 669 5 fd hf 4 fd hf Additional Sales Made Yesterday 15 90 1590 15 90 15 90 15 90 $01 River goad Sioux City la 20 20 20 20 20 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 150 150 200 3000 2100 16200 26100 20300 16500 110700 463 395 235 357 215 205341180237230 and will Ask 15 50 16 50 A STILL HOPE OR RELIE ROM OPA St Omaha Nebr No 11 1 to you" As reported Hogs 103 167 54 52 Wheat Corn Oats I St Louis 3105 32882 2825 30548 16493 49306 2990 34734 17369 54124 HOG SUPPLEMENT Yr ago 173 80 10 425 930 Hogs 200 1100 200 400 1100 100 300 "Kill of the eedlof!" No iller of Any Kind Your Home Grown Griilns HOG SUPPLEMENT produce more pork at leu cost any user Natural Phosphate finely ground 31 or high P205 Immediate shipment in bulk Order now for bagged material later Dealers and distributors Schrock ertilizer Service Con gersville Illinois COOKIETHAT WAS THE GREATEST CATCH I EVER GAW LET ME SHAKE YOUR HAND' weignmasier a repvju Cattle the United States delegation at the Paris peace conference Critics charged that Wallace with Mr Tru apparent blessing had cut the trom unaer rsvrnes at ram oravelv embarrassed the Ameri can delegation wmcn naa oeen iouow ing a firm policy toward Russia Byrnes was represented as being In these circ*mstances Mr Truman last Saturday repudiated speech as a statement of basic United States foreign policy but approved right to say what he did He said there had been a about his approv al that he had intended only to ap prove right to make the speech but that this bid did not ap ply to the content of the speech Wednesday Wallace and Truman held a lengthy White House confer ence at which Wallace agreed to re frain from making public utterances about foreign policy until after the Paris peace conference Youngster alls Under Disc Injuries Severe Humboldt Nebr Sept 20 Gary Lynn Workman 4 was recov ering from injuries today when he was run over by a disc operated by his father Glenn Workman Hum boldt farmer Workman had stopped his team in the field and the child was sitting on the disc at the time Suddenly the ani mals jumped throwing the boy in the path of the implement He suffered severe cuts on the neck head and left arm 3702 4186 9912 8359 11058 2553 1000 Pr 15 00 3295 heavy steel corrugated IJV sleeves waterproof with elastic wrist 39c pair flares leak proof each 69c overalls sizes large medium $195 it take figure things out Reports of the Grain Market last five Cattle Hi 54115 117735 142523108482 81074 3 6 25 2 1 Pr 1100 1100 1150 1150 11 75 WOO HOO 12 00 12 50 13 50 No 1 AV 230 days days days days days Receipts at Seven Markets rprelnfs todav at the i I A miriri a wacrprn live I OCVCU DUUUIU I shown by the following Cattle and (Continued from Page One) nnn nnr nppn hskimi lu icbikh anu that he definitely would remain in the cabinet The president hammered at the idea that change in our foreign policy is foreign policy as established by the congress the president and the secretary of state remains in full force and effect without he said reading from a long sheet of pa per in a serious tone of voice With State To be doubly sure that another in tra cabinet row such as that between Wallace and Byrnes does not develop the president said that any public statement on foreign policy by mem bers of the executive branch would have to be cleared with the state de partment In case of disagreement the matter will then go to the president for de ft? ci nn Mr Trnmnn emphasized the right of the people of this country to dis agree freely and publicly on any ques tion including foreign policy But he said forcefully govern ment of the United States must stand as a unit in its relations with the rest of the He described tne roreign policy or this country as the most important question confronting the nation today responsibility for obtaining a just and lasting peace extends not only to the people of this country but to the nations of the he added His expression of his endorse of the policies guiding Byrnes and the American delegation at Paris came just about 24 hours after the president held a 20 minute teletype with Byrnes in Paris Presumably the decision to oust Wallace and publicly reaffirm confi dence in Byrnes was finally developed in exchange between Byrnes and the president blunt announcement "I have today asked Mr Wallace 1 to resign from the cabinet" smacked the news conference with an audible reaction A heavy gasp came from the reporters There were whistles and expressions of surprise Stop Gap Truce Only two days ago after a 2 hour session with the president Wallace had announced that he would remain In the cabinet but keep quiet on for eign policy until after the conclusion Paris conference This was plainly a stop gap device a truce Apparently Mr Truman later reached the conclusion that a clean cut decision was necessary The decision well may have been reached in Mr exchanges yesterday with Byrnes The secretary of state had not been satisfied with the truce with Wallace Byrnes may have threatened to quit unless Wallace was let out The immediate events which led to dismissal from the cabinet started Sept 10 when tne secretary oi commerce and Mr Truman conferred at the White House about a foreign policy speech Wallace was to deliver two days later On Sept a few hours before Wallace delivered his speech before a political rally at New Madison Square Mr Truman told a news conference that he approved of talk in full In his speech Wallace called for an a up on Russia policy attacked British imperialism and said the United States had no more business in eastern Europe than Russia had in western Europe or this hemisphere Th onHnrspment of the speech by Mr Truman touched off an interna tional uproar and created a crisis in SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL HY brid seed corn ollowing Nos: (J 13 la 306 la 4059: la 4316: la 4397 Ta Ta 4249 Write for prices Irl beck Seed arm Templeton Ta If onrAlle ULI Lilli Duluth 433 Winnipeg 687 4 Chicago Sept 20 (rom Drovers 1100 fairly active partial cleanup steady: best steei $1900 Hogs 1100 on sale 600 steady ceiling price $16255 Sheep 1200 on sale 1000 lambs active fully steady top $1950 bulk $1850 CT1950 Kansas viiy Cattle 2900: not enough of any one class to test the market Hogs 200 on sale 100 active steady with all grades and weights including sows and stags selling at $1595 ceiling Sheep 500: all on sale spring lambs not enough ewes 'offered to test values nominally steady good and choice native spring lambs to shippers $1875 St Joseph Sept 20 Cat tle 400 not enough here of any one class to test market nominally steady Hogs 100 all on sale active steady virtually all butchers sows and stags at the $1595 ceiling Sheep 500 all on sale: all classes nominally steady scattered lots mostly medium and good native spring lambs Sioux City Sept 20 (USDA) Cat tle 3000 fed steers and heifers scarce load low choice yearling steers steady at $1990 grass she stock mostly steady good cows strong Stockers and feeders nominal Hogs 300 all on sale active fullv steady butchers sows and stags $1590 ceiling Sheep 3500 on sale 600: fairly active slaughter lambs steady good hnd choice native spring lambs $1775 1800 shorn slaughter ewes steady with Thursday's bulk sales good and choice $82591875 ARMY SURPLUS BARGAINS Army 100 wool blankets cleaned and sterilized $395 and up Army 12 inch all leather boots horse hide triple sole arch support water proof $945 pair Bearing grease Texaco Marfak No 3 per lb Complete line of Sledges and Ham mers at special prices Army cotton filled comforters like new fnal himkpfs 18 quarts capacity each Husking sleeves waterproof heavy Truck a vv small khaki color water repellent zipper button front New sheep lined coats knee length large brown fur collar pock ets reinforced with leather Ideal coat for dress or work for only $1350 We carry a complete line of high quality work clothes hardware and tools at special low prices Mail Orders illed Wholesale and Retail ARM CITY SUPPLY COMPANY 5134 So 24th St Omaha Nebr OUR NEXT SALE WILL BE MONDAY SEPT 30 Our next sale will be on Monday Sept 30 and We cam sell all the good southern mares and geldings from three to eight years old that we can get weighing from ten hundred to thirteen fifty that are good broke to harness In good flesh and good quality also all the harness marked mules we can get for prices that will be more than you expect We can also sell to good ad vantage one two and three year old good mare mules real good qualified halter broke unbranded mares from two to five years old Riding horses and Shetland ponies ere some cheaper but are still bringing a fair price We can sell any kind of a horse or mule as well as they can be sold In any other market but If you come with the kind of stock mentioned above you will be satisfied with the prices they will bring' OMAHA HORSE AND MULE COM COMPANY (BUD) SMITH Manager WANT A GOOD STEAK? Come to Cafe for the Best Cuts Cooked to Your Taste Our ish Steak and Chickan Dinners are amous All Over America Bring Your riends to JOHNNY'S CAE 27th at St Omaha Nebr 1 1170 1 1550 Today's Receipts Estimated Ry Rail By Truck Total M1 nil 22 st hf SHIPPER HOGS Av Shrk Pr No Av Shrk 224 575 15 90 PACKER 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 17 CLASSIIED ADVERTISING SECTION The Popular Economical and Convenient Place to Buy or Sei) RATES for all classified ads EXCEPT LIVESTOCK IUC a word tor six Insertions (dally for one week or every other day for two weeks) Minimum order $1 If larger than regular type is desired (light face only) write tor rates GRADE LIVESTWK Ads in section $250 per inch per minimum i inch REGISTERED Livestock Ada go in Purebred column ONLY Writs INORMATION" Count name and address Count each set of Initials or numbers as 1N a word Remit with order by personal check money order or draft Overpayments will be refunded Address Journal Stockman Stock Yards Omaha 7 Nebr (Continued from Page One) BEE cows By erguson Butcher Says Sorry Little Meat The following table shows receipts ft nnOla hnrra aHfl chonn flfYlohfi flf) vniwe iivh 7 lulnCOin iNCOr rtLLuiunfe far this month including todays esti Snipes Nebraska extension ttUh sAzvAlrkfc for I 1 IIIND'N III lillliutlliauil WILLI ICLtlMLO XWX I 131 lit ItWUl BUUC4 lo Ui Civ ftu the same period of the corresponding Nebraska college of agriculture rrtnwt thn Tift I Vo 1 1 A utvutu IHp 8506 62291 99920 121054 89746 (Continued from Page Ona) elation would "stay right In there and pitch" until the battle was won He praised the Nebraska delegation for Its co operation and nlsspoke Of the effective work done by committees which the association sent to the nstfonsl capitol Membership In the continued to grow their said new county groups add their support to the tte orjniiMjHon and he went on to tell of plans he direc tors have made to extend the Ks'Aefcin sit ill further Influence of the group Pwill grow in direct proportion to Its membership What Mr Munderloh had said was seconded later by Lnwrence Brock former president of the state group who now heads the Coin Belt Li' stock eeders association an organisa tion with which the Nebraska Is affiliated Mr Brock read coirC' IVndence wth Paul Porter In he had unsuccessfully uiged the tlon of a Corn Belt fVrs udGso committee to be consulted b) OPA in matters affecting the fattening stock Butler rredlcte OPA Repeal AirllAtion to repeal tho price con trSi Ct be nRong the first that congrew considers when it rccon Senator Hugh Butler predicted A CT 1 ON SCHOOL DUNCAN NATIONAL AUCTION School Creston Iowa Our Veteran Administration Contract covers full tui tion Next term soon Catalog free Stu dents do actual selling during term BE AN AUCTIONEER A PLEASANT profitable occupation Send tor tree catalog how to receive Home Study Course Address red Reppert School ol Auctioneering Box 2 Decatur Ind SM for RERIGERATORS STOVES WASHERS and Other Appliances DEXTER WASHERS SEWALl PAINTS KRESL 0 HARDWARE CO 1 4831 South 24th Stn Omaha Nebr A Complete Line of Hardware to fill 4 every need on your farm or ranch JOHN KRESL Prop Charles Boedoker Wa went on to criticise the recent break above the lav el which the administration had set in the case of the wag increase pre dicting that it would set oft a new string of wage demands About the only thing left under rigid control are the prices of farm dared and that makes he fmer the goat of a most unfair sltuaUon 8 Describing his round the woild trip Senator Butler poke the global food situation In all the countries visited said cron production is increasing aatiafactorlly and Greece remains the only nation living largely on reliefuppliea In that connection he paint OT Contrast between th wornout exhausted oil of Greece and the man ner In which by tarracing and con touring the thine ar maintaining productivity right up the 'de oflUdtlng some Of the accomplish ments of the Nebraska Livestock association to date Byron Demorest managing editor of the Omaha Daily JournaLStoc kma: saw still greater opportunities ahead for the organisation to serve Its mem bers and the nation as a commended the solidity with which the organisation has built thus far VaMwart Nnw With regard to future policies the newspaperman advocated that tne group especially support good roads work for a strong agricultural col lege encourage new industries that use farm products as their raw ma terials and continue their efforts to get rid of federal controls If the na tion had listened to farmers and stockmen ana it would not meat famineId adding 'How Do You Want Your Asks in Trying to Meet Shortages By United Prees The meat shortage resulted today in the closing of five Virginia coal mines when meat hungry miners refused to dig Other Americans expressed them selves tn various ways A man at Gold Beach Ore sent OPA Adminis trator Paul Porter a one word tele gram It said Lem Ehler got tired of telling cus tomers no ham no steaks no So he nailed a huge sign on the wall of his Decatur Ill restaurant It said do you want your Butchers and grocers at Columbus Ohio started a paper cam On their empty meat counters they placed wrapping paper on which housewives can write their names and addresses People Are The wrapping paper will be collect ed and mailed to Secretary of Agri culture Clinton Anderson At Cleveland butchers said custom ers were hard to people are getting nasty" one butcher said call you a liar when you tell them you have no Another Cleveland butcher locked his door pulled down the blinds and put up a sign "closed all House wives peeked inside and saw him The clamor was so great he let them in and locked the door behind them He had enough cold cuts to sei them each a half pound lies Steaks to Team The University of Illinois found some beef and planned to fly it to Pittsburgh today so that the Illinois football team can have steaks tomor row when it plays Pitt At Portland Ore Arthur Greenhall city zoo director said he had been forced cut rations for some ani mals He said he had thought about 1 1 rx 1 i fl 1 cnanging me uun i xeeu a signs to read "please feed the ani but decided that people would be perverse and throw fewer peanuts He denied that there had been an in crease in to break into the squirrel The Wilkens meat market at ort Wayne Ind closed on a week day for the first time since it was founded in 1865 Richard Wilkens great grand son of the founder said he had only cold cuts to sell Milk and its products comprise more than 25 per cent of tho foods esti mated to be consumed annually by the average American ASK OR Bi ANCHOR octrln pArmacautlcali SH YOUR ANCHOR OMUR Pr 1 455 15 90 7 184 15 90 I HOGS 1 3 5 29 Columbian Cattle Tone inish The Cattle eeders riend WRITE OR REE BOOKLET ON EEDING (ESTABLISHED 1888 Columbian Hog and Cattle Powdv Co 1457 GENESEE STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI hv recent wet cool weather Hill corn was badly damaged brom most other sections repi wm cd reports on corn condition called from extra good to in some cases just fair eedlots in Cuming county are said to have started filling rapidly since the first of September As one feeder there put a aaa a td after they have the facts to work Generally the sentiment was that marketings of cornfed livestock will continue very light for some weeks to come The following is a complete draft of tlie resolutions adopted at the con vention: TEXT RESOLUTIONS Tho Nebraska Livestock As sociation assembled in annual meet ing at remont Nebr this 19th day of September 1946 after deliberating on the problems of tlia livestock feeder and discussing the government controls under which the feeder has been and is now compelled to oper ate voices Us collective conclusions and recommendations in the follow ing resolutions: 1 We deplore the recent action of the decontrol bond in restoring ceil ing prices on meats and live animals after previous experience under simi lar controls had conclusively demon strated that such a program (a) tends to strangle production and needlessly depi'ives consumers of a more ade quate supply of meat (b) that it will revive black market oneraiuns with all its attendant evils and (c) since such a program has been proved to be impractical and unenforceable it will continue to breed contempt for bu reaucratic interference ana disrespect for government authority 2 Wo regard it to be the primary duty of the secretary of agriculture to promote and safeguard the interests of agriculture Including the livestock industry and since that industry can operate with maximum efficiency only in an atmosphere of freedom we re spectfully urge the secretary of agri culture to exercise all authority at nis command under the law to relieve the livestock Industry of all artificial restrictions and price regulations as quickly ns possible 3 We call particular attention to the steady and continuing decline in the hog population of the nation under OPA controls and assert that such de cline is conclusive proof that pork pro duction has been and is relatively un profitable and to hazardous for pro ducers to raise arid feed up to the limits of their capacity and we further declare that absolute and permanent decontrol Is the only remedy that will restore an adequate supply of pork in the nation's moat markets armers Not to Blame 4 WHEREAS certain elements of the population recently have criticized farmfirs and stockmen on the around that they have withheld needed live stock from the markets for selfish rea i sons and Whereas the fact is that farmers i were practically compelled by govern ment regulations to rush stock to mar ket before some of it was mature and i now have emntv feedlots and I WHEREAS farmers are anxious and willing to produce more fat live stock as soon as government regula tions become so they can afford to do soo THEREORE BE IT RESOLVED Ts A tsi ft ft Vi ft sr I ft 44 A "ft The Chancellor was introduced by vised that it is unthinking end unin Dean Burr of the agricultural col formed bureaucratic action and not stubbornness or selfishness on the part of the producers which caused the present and prospective bareness of meat counters and Be it further resolved that the con sumers of America be reminded that producers warned them of what would hnnnfin If unreasonable and arbitrary contrpis were continued in peacetime I and 1 1 Be it further resolved that we sug gest that the quicket route to a suf 1 ficlent meat supply today will be by the removal of those controls at the earliest possible moment I Urge eeders Advisory Committee 5 Since the bill creating the OPA specifically provides that the OPA ad ministrator shall appoint a regional Industry Advisory Committee when ever a substantial number of people engaged in that industry In any region so request we now demand that such I a committee be appointed representing I livestock feders exclusively In the prin I cipal corn growing and livestock feed I ing area 8 That the members of the Nebras 1 ka Livestock eeders' Association here assembled express their appreciation I and thanks to the Dodge County eed and tho remont I Chamber of Commerce for providing I the very excellent tacinues ror not ing this meeting that we also express our thanks to Senators Butler and Wherry for their contributions to our program arid particularly for their persistent efforts in the senate to re store complete freedom from controls to livestock producers and feeders and that we also thank Chancellor Gustavson for being here and giving us the opportunity to hear and meet him and to the Omaha Stock Yards representatives our thanks for the en tertainment provided by them lev fivnrnss to our former president Lawrence Brock our sin 1 cere appreciation of his untiring la bors in promoting the organizational the Corn Belt Livestock eeders As soclation and of his able and getic leadership as President Qf the national feeders organization 15 901 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 Saturday nominal Sunday 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 15 90 576 at Stock Shipments The following table shows the total speaker Afternoon addresses includ number of carloads of fat stock bought ej f)r Harry Miller on Chemurglc on this market yesterday and shipped I problems of Alfalfa Processing Crandall Aiaua and Dr Mussehl as a Poultry eed 3 Those appearing on the afternoon nrnmm reoresented various depart IV Mahraekfl arm buildings spray painted Will paint your farm buildings and give HATrdGE SPRAY PAINT ING CO 909 No 19th St Omaha Nebr SEEDS ALALA RED CLOVER ALSYKE broine red top timothy rite for samples and prices Superior Seed Supply Co Norfolk Nebr I Heavy Light I Bulk 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 117 181 Cattle Hogs Sheep The following table shows the offi cial receipts of cattle hogs and sheep this week in comparison with a week ago and a year ago: Cattle Hogs Sheep riday Sept 13 Saturday Sept 14 Monday Sept 16 Tuesday Sept 17 Wednesday Sept 18 Thursday Sept 19 riday estimate ive days 26415 Week ago 14225 Year ago 41747 Total last week' 16207 This wk last year 42829 The Y'ear to Date The following table shows receipts of cattle hogs and sheep at Omaha so far this year Including esti mates in comparison with receipts for tho corresponding period last year: 1946 1940 jnc Dec 1220053 1351419 131306 1494734 1239737 254997 1242469 1345588 103119 Tho Month to Date following table shows receipts on this market yesterday and to other points for slaughter Cattle Hogs Sheep program itpietcuLcv September Range of Hog Prices ARMS AND RANCHES TOUCHES PAVEMENT 320 acres of high quality rolling silt loam soil 230 acres cultivated 75 acres well grassed pasture Good set improve ments conservatively insured for $4000 most buildings recently restored to good condition fences in good shape taxes under 30 cents per acre good water from cased well with mill favorable location touching pavement 8 miles east of Gree ley 10 miles south of Spalding at only $25 per acre well worth it HAROLD CLINGERMAN Albion Nebraska BIG LAND North Platte Nebit Monday September 23rd 1:00 M' 600 acres about 600 acres most productive Platte Valley farm land un der ditch and pump irrigation adapted to corn alfalfa sugar beets and all small grains Complete set of splendid modern improvements equipped for all kinds of livestock Including fine sale pavilion Located miles east and 14 mile south of Court House Positively selling to the highest bidder run or shine or full details write for sale bill NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO Agents Central City Nebr Since 1912 CERTIIED recleaned Pawnee wheat 97 germination No weeds disease or rye mixture Certified Lincoln brome Lincoln brome common brome The Wahlgren arm at Elk City Nebr Tel Waterloo 4674 Army Reconditioned ord Jeep motors 60 Ready to install available now at $10500 at Sears Roebuck Co Soutl Omaha Nebr HAY ROPE three strand oil treated sisa: flexible meets government standard 100 ft in $575 1 in $695 at Sear Roebuck Co South Omaha Nebr NOW an all steel two wheel trailer 7 ft by 4 ft bed with first grade tires at $16995 3000 lb capacity at Sears Roe buck Co South Omaha Nebr COMPLETE tractor lite outfits to fit armall and John Deere tractor Use vour tractor at night with safety Now available for $1795 at Sears Roebuck Co South Omaha Nebr UTILITY MIXER big 3 cu ft capacity for mixing concrete fertilizer or feed May be used with hand or motor power $5495 at Sears Roebuck Co South Omaha Nebr CERTIIED PAWNEE WHEAT BIN run $250 per bu Recleaned in buyer bags $275 OB Ashland or in new 2 bu bags $290 per bu RALPH RA1KES Ashland Nebr CORN PICKERS for sale 101 pick er 2 International picker Both A 1 condition 4 miles south and 4 west or Red Oak Luther Lofgren Red Oak la ARMS RANCHES AND PERSONAL property turned quickly into cash Sue cessful selling service since 1912 Estates and the larger holdings our specialty Write us today or soon for a SU11ABLE DATB in September or October for best results rom long experience we know the next two months are favorable to sell vour land at auction NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO Central City Nebr TWO WONDERUL PRACTICALLY level productive farms for sale on Highway 34 fifteen miles east of Cres ton Iowa Over 400 acres at $7500 per acre with five purebred Hereford heifers and about 80 acres of wonderful corn thrown in with the deal Good house ready to take immediate possession Also good terms Geo Harrah Carter Lake Club Omaha Nebr IOWA Stock and Grain arm 960 160 A top bench land balance hill land consisting bluegrass pasture some in cultivation some timber Excel lent water system Improvements 7 room modern house tenant house barn cribs etc Wired with electricity Pasture will carry 200 head stock 50 miles north of Omaha on good road close to highway Price $5250 Zahner Modale Iowa A SPLENDID 240 acre southern Minn farm good modern seven room house Complete set farm bldgs Store Cream ery Church one mile To settle estate $12500 per acre or detailed description write DAVID HOLST 621 ourth St Mankato Minn OR SALE: Highly Improved stock and grain farms naif sections $16000 to $25 000 One 325 acre lakeshore farm $26650 ASHLEY ergus alls Minnesota CENTRAL Minnesota improved farms for sale Unimproved tracts lakeshore farms resorts Our free lists will be sent you on request Gaul Land Agency Pierz Minn or Onamia Minn WELL LOCATED RANCH 22254 acres northeast New Mexico Never failing water well fenced Good improve ments Stock at market price if wanted or detailed description and price write Kimmel Realty 415 North Clifton Avenue Wichita Kans Phone 4 0538 NEBRASKA RANCHES: 4000 ACRES Blaine Co Streams wells 400 head $1250 per acre 2640 acres Wheeler Co Clay subsoil seed income $6000 Rich bottom 300 cattle Priced right Box 49 Journal Stockman I HAVE SEVERAL IMPROVED STOCK and grain farriis at $40 to $85 RANK 1 ANDREWS Moorhead Iowa (By YVeather Bureau) Omaha Council Bluffs and Vicin ity: Mostly fair and somewhat warmer this afternoon tonight and Saturday high this afternoon near 75 low tonight near 52 highest Saturday near 80 Nebraska: Saturday fair and warmer highest near 90 in west to 80 extreme east Sunday fair and warmer high 95 west to near 90 east Iowa: air and warmer Satur day Extended orecast for Period of Sept 20 to Sept 24 Nebraska: Dry fall season weath er Saturday Sunday and Monday with cool night and mild after noons showers and turning cooler Tuesday or Wednesday tempera ture averaging one to six degrees above seasonal normal rain amounts In showers Tuesday or Wednesday light to moderate Iowa: Temperature will average near normal warmer Saturday somewhat cooler Sunday light lit tle temperature change Monday warmer Tuesday and Wednesday precipitation will average about one fourth inch in showers Sunday and Sunday night 1 Six Counties Request 2000 Potato Workers i tit*rAin Nfthr Snnt Accordng 1 farm labor supervisor at the Universi 1 4Lftinvs4 ft lrftrc fits O' A 1 YIP TO be needed to harvest potatoes one of oonck western major crops The barvesting of potatoes will begin about Sept 20 and Mr Snipes sug 1 7oks gests that farmers throughout the 1769oo gtate wh0 are caUght up with their work could earn irom ouu io a day for approximately three weeks it hoT'vaat norim LnrOUKIl U1C uutavu ucdvuv ft 4 ft ft 4 ft ft A AftftwHInO tn NTHDP8 LI1B LJWAVW seven leading middle western live nwuiuu6 Zu poinnnrilp counties stock markets with comparisons as growers In th six Bq Butte Banner and Morrill are being Sheen asked to make arrangements for 1 000 sleeping quarters and eating facilities I 200 for the workers during the harvest 700 I However Mr Snipes cautions work 4 000 ers against foing into the Panhandle area without first getting clearance 3 500 from their local county agent 1 he county office will be a service 11400 point where workers may may in quiries and where orders will be II 500 issued to workers sending them to 8100 specific jobs in the six 33500 ties The proper procedure to follow I if a worker wishes to aid in this har 131700 vest is to go to the county agent 121 SOO office and register then when orders 91 600 come for workers from this aiea the 209500 registrant will be notified Snipes fur ther states that workers going nto I ft4 vi rar TAj Purchases from the extension The following table shows the num office will do so at their own risk her of cattle hogs and sheep sold yes terday and to whom as shown by the Alfalfa Dehydrating wnitrhnTAfifft reDOrtS sheep Problems Discussed Nebraska and western Iowa alfalfa 146 dehydration plant operators were guests of the Omaha Chamber of Com merce agricultural committee today at 4300 a luncheon and afternoon session at which they discussed the future of 4446 this rapidly developing Industry iNeouesim xwio dent of the National Association of Alfalfa Manufacturers was the Rycst I z'lftft4ftll xtrlfH ol I avci investigations rroi vrux 15 90'15 90 I falfa investigations in tne agio 15 90'15 90 I department and Dr Mussehl chair 15 90il5 90" I man of the poultry husbandry depart 15 9015 90 ment I Tops Boxoffice Hollywood Sept 20 (UR) Howard '1x5 90 movie out 15 90115 90 iawrt hv the Motion Picture associa tion drew longer lines at the boxof fice than any other picture this year a survey of exhibitors showed today Holdrege eeders Meet (Continued from Page One) Holdrege Nebr Sept 20 (UP) Chicago Cash Grain Maynard of the Great Western Chicago Sept Wheat corn and Sugar company Denver wll speak at oats were steady to firm in cash trade the annual cattle feeders meeting at here today rye and barley nominal I the Holdrege city auditorium on Sept The nominal range on milling barley 26 was 178 leea oariey Sales Today No 1 hard winter $206 No 1 $195 No 3 No 4 $1 92 No 1 mixed 81 82 No 2 81 CT 81 No 1 white 81 'iCT83c No 3 79 80c Sample grade 73076c Omaha Receipts and Shipments I (Carlots) PRESIDENT IRES WALLACE TODAY 7 LIVESTOCK OR SALE LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY TUESDAY THE COMPANY Of Rapid City South Dakota The run of good western steers heif ers cows and ctives is under way If you want to buy feeder cattle or fat cattle attend our sale Every Tuesday selling from 1000 to 2000 head at every sale LUMBER OR SALE CAN PRODUCE LARGE QUANTITIES only Ponderosa pine lumber celling price mill run dry Will act as you representative Charles Boardman Bank of Bend Building Bend Ore PAINTING Av1020 8801160 7701120123011051240 9501060 AT HEIERS 820 13 50 2 780 SLAUGHTER CALVES Hr IVO 1500 1 270 BULLS 12 50 1 1590 1315 STOCK COWS No Av Pr No 1 OAS 11 75 EEDING HEIERS 5 678 14 65 pt 636 13 00 2stkr 615 685 14 3 fdr 903 WYOMING Horace A Harris 859 17 25 KANSAS 562 16 50 allowed controls to die be suffering from the that exists today he frnm now on people will be more inclined to listen to YOU" As reported in Thursdays Journal Stockman Chancellor Gustavson of the University of Nebraska assured '1)14 hearers that the state education al institutions are keenly conscious of the importance of agriculture in Ne braska and urged closer co operation between farmers and their university Aivin th problems 4 a ft I Vvsr i nn 1'imiiLt iivi Dean Burr of the agricultural col lege Senator Kenneth Wherry was un able to make his scheduled appear ance on the program Musical Inter ludes were supplied by John Bellta Omaha accordionistWho was intro ducsd by Ed Janiks' secretary of the Omaha Live Stock Exchange Merle Townsend chairman of the agricultural committee of the re mont Chamber of Commerce wel comed the group and Melvin Toda of Cass county responded on behalf of the association At noon Mr Town send had been master of ceremonies as an informal luncheon tendered the officers and diractors of the assocla tlon by the Chamber of Commerce at the Pathfinder hotel Conditions Spotted Especially gratifying to the associa officials was the presence of 10 or a dozen Dawson county feeders rViAx war ranrosantinsr that 1 Msociatlon which is now affiliated with the state group for the first time Dawson county feedlots are not fill ing up as rapidly as usual and prob ably will be lightly stocked all sea son unless controls are eased or re moved they reported Irrigated bot tom corn there is in good shapeis? though its maturity has been delayed i ZzZw 4 (i is si i 3 un Is 5 1 (7 yi'i'TlTT I IMMSTk 1 11 I rfl rin 646 290 1982 165 17198 778 3932 686 1 2919 709 1866 782 500 150 Calves Omaha 500 Chicago 1100 Kansas City 2900 St Louis 3300 St Paul 3300 St Joseph 400 Sioux City 3000 Total 14500 Week ago 13400 I Two wks ago 10900 (Year ago 21400 ive days 186300 (Week ago 179700 I Two wks ago 86100 Year ago 305400 Armour Co 35 Cudahy Pkg Co 61 Swift Co 86 Wilson Co 5 So Om Pkg Co 14 Other buyers 1591 Total 1792 No Av Pr No 1 900 8 25 1 1 1340 8 50 1 930 9 00 2 2 1125 9 00 1 1 1110 9 00 1 1 960 10 00 1 1 970 10 00 2 1 1200 10 75 1 6 1096 10 75 1 1 1060 1100 2 Today Wk ago Yr ago Wheat 70 56 J9 Corn 28 45 150 Oats 10 10 35 Rye 12 7 3 (Barley 10 10 I Today Wk ago Yr ago Wheat 43 72 42 I Corn 68 81 104 Oats 23 42 27 I Rye 8 11 7 I Barley 10 9 18 I Chicago Today Wk ago Yr ago Iwheat 19 32 Corn 75 55 74 Oats 75 '78 36 Today Wk ago 166 225 18 19 23 20 Today Wk ago Yr ago Wheat 26 23 29 I Corn 10 25 Oats 12 15 10 30.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.